~Chapter 1~

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BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! Laura slumped out of bed as her alarm clock seemed to burst her eardrums.  She knew it was going to happen, yet every morning at 6 am it would frighten the life out of her. But this morning was different, she wasn't waking up for school or chores, she was waking up for The Burghley Horse Trials! For Laura, a 17-year-old mad Equestrian,  this was the most exciting three days of the year; full of horses, shopping, food, everything she desires. 

Most of the time Laura's  mornings would be prolonged by her faffing, hence the 6 am start, but not today. She jumped straight off the floor and changed into her messy stable clothes. After this, she practically leaped down the stairs to where her wellies lay next to the door. Pulling on her boots, Laura noticed that nobody was awake yet, this was quite unusual in Laura's family as they were all early risers, her mum dad and sister all woke up before her. She just brushed this off as it was the first day of the holidays, and everyone was super tired after a long term. As Laura walked down the lane she saw the usual three horse heads poking out of the stable doors. She absolutely loved seeing this each morning, her ponies and horses had gotten into a routine so that they would expect her to come from 6am-7am and if she didn't, they would cause quite the catastrophe. Once she was 5 minutes late, and Chippy (her 5 year old warm blood eventer) had broken out of his stable some how, and managed to burst through the feed room doors. Thankfully, Laura has never been late since then, she had learnt her lesson, as after school that day she spent 5 hours repairing her stables. Now her whole family just laugh about it.

She first went into Duch's stable and said hello to her, as expected she bashed Laura on the head whilst snorting and trying to push though into the yard. It was a good thing that Duch was just a 13hh little skinny thing, otherwise every morning Laura would've been pushed to the floor and flattened. Duch was Laura's first ever pony but she and her family couldn't bare the thought of Duch leaving, she was such a character, so now, at the age of 19, Duch lives her best life being the moody mare that she is. Then she made all of her horses feeds, making sure that she put Duch's medication in hers, and Chippy's supplements in his. Unlike the other horses, Scooby was the simplest pony around; he'd never fallen sick, or gotten injured, in fact they had never called the vets out for him. So for Scooby his feed was simply made up of water, pony nuts and chaff. Scooby was Laura's 2nd pony, he was a 14.3hh bay, they'd never known his breed though, and always got low 30s or high 20s in dressage. He could also pop over a course of show jumps if necessary, but really he was a dressage pony.                                                                                                             Once Laura had fed all of her equines, she rugged them up in fly sheets and masks, then let them out into the paddock. After they were all free of their head collars, they galloped off into the meadow area, and that was the end of those three trouble makers for a while.

Back at home after a nice warm shower and a quick change into appropriate clothing, Laura made herself some toast and a mug of coffee, coffee was Laura's favourite drink, she'd have some every morning as her power drink, without it Laura would be noodles for the day. Clearing away her dishes she heard footsteps approach the kitchen, she looked behind her to she the scariest sight she could possibly see; her sister Maisy. Maisy was the complete opposite of Laura, she hated all animals and couldn't bare the thought of having to clean one up. She also loved all things girly girl, whereas Laura couldn't stand that kind of thing. "Morning M." Laura suggested this to her as most mornings Maisy would simply ignore her until she was fully awake. "Ugh, morning. Is it just me or are you like...really tired?" Maisy spoke slowly as if she didn't really know what she was saying. "Maisy, do you not remember what I said to you about today?"             "No not a clue. Do you seriously think my brain fully functions at this time in the morning?"               "Well in going to Burghley so I'll be gone all day I'm afraid." Laura said in a sarcastic tone.                     "Oh no, I'm so very sad." Maisy said sarcastically, they both laughed and continued what they where doing.                                                                                                                                                                   Laura made her final preparations for the day by packing a small bag and finally asking her sister to remind her parents of where she was. Then she left for Burghley.

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