~Chapter 7~

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That whole fresh but warm summers day, the Eastwoods celebrated for their daughter. They went out for a pub meal, she went to the tack shop, and they even had a barbecue. It was such a great day, and they were all so caught up in the moment that non of them had realised the Royal Mail come by twice that day. Once at 11:36am and another time at 11:39am, after the driver had realised that he hadn't posted some of the Eastwood's letters to them. So he decided to turn back and make sure they came to them. And a good job it did too, as later that day before the family sat down for one last chat, it was Maisy who spotted the mail which consisted of two newspapers, for each one of her parents, an envelope addressed to Mrs Eastwood, a bulky package, and two more envelopes addressed to Miss Eastwood: Laura. These envelopes in question were grand and posh. The first was encased in a beautiful burgundy envelope with a silver stamp, the other was wrapped neatly in a light blue envelope with a yellow stamp. But the similarity between them was simple, they were both life changing, and were both from universities. As Maisy switched through the mail meanwhile walking from the door to the kitchen, she suddenly stopped. Looked up at Laura, back down at the two envelopes and then rushed towards her sister. "Erm, lucky day i guess Laura huh?" Maisy was still looking down at the mail. "Extremely yes! What have you got there M?"Laura glanced at what her sister was holding. "One minute," but before Laura could even think about what Maisy said, suddenly she called, "MUM! DAD! COME HERE  NOW IT'S REALLY IMPORTANT"Maisy shouted and Laura thought she could notice a tiny vibration of the glass cabinet. Hurrying into the kitchen, the girl's parents leaped for a seat and stared wide eyed at the mail, which was now sitting on the counter. "No way! Not all three...Not on the exact same day...it's a dream isn't it?" Laura stuttered and struggled to find words. 

An hour later, the Eastwoods still sat in utter shock at the kitchen table. "Hartpury...and Harper Adams...they both...they...they both accepted me. But that's not enough? The...the team as well...the British Junior Eventing team. How can  decide!?  And again please Maisy, pinch my arm." She had to be sure. "It's not a dream my silly sister, but don't worry, you have the whole summer to spend to think about it, don't worry. In fact, why are you worrying, you should be leaping in the air, singing and dancing, not sitting here like some old lady hey?" Maisy rubbed her sister's back then patted her on her head. "Maisy's right on this one Laura you got accepted into your top three, if you will, and you have your whole life ahead of you, why pout huh." Her mother then smiled and began to rise from her chair. "I tell you what, since me and your mother are legally allowed to buy you a drink, let's go to the pub aye. Seriously Laura we are so pleased with you, you need to think glass all the way full here!" Mark laughed and the family began to make their way to the door. "But..." Laura was cut off by her mother, who now had her arm around Laura. "No buts." As they made their way out of the door and into the car, darkness began to shroud the land and a slight summers shower too. The evening was chilled and ominous, though not a doubt was in the family's mind about anything, and nothing ominous was going to happen either. They'd been through enough, and it was time to celebrate.

Once they reached the pub, they were welcomed by the warm alcoholic sent of the Golden Brew. They were also welcomed by Garry, who they had only been served by for lunch 5 or so hours earlier. The Eastwood each drank a pint of Heineken Zero each (non-alcoholic of course), and also shared some tea, before they paid the bill and returned home. Bursting through the door, they were all laughing, cheering and simply just happy. For the sister's parents, their oldest daughter had got into her top two universities and choice of work, for Maisy, her sister was living the dream, but for Laura, although she was over the moon, she also had one of the most difficult decisions of her life to make. So once everyone was inn bed, she decided to make a list of pros and cons for each but unfortunately, this just confused her even more. So then she called her best friend Amy, they stayed up talking until 4:57am talking about their problems and in the end, at least, managed to get them out of their minds.

Once again, Laura repeated her morning routine, but instead of coming back to the house and going to her summer job, she decided to have her first ride on Rain. She had a logic to calm him and settle him so he wouldn't be silly while he was being ridden, or whatever she could do with him. She let only Chippy and Duch out since they were more energetic, and left Scooby in with Rain as they were already becoming good friends. Then she tied both of the horses at the wash bay and tacking up bay so that they were next to each other which seemed to ease Rain's mind. She then gave a hay net to each of them, and began to groom Scooby. Luckily enough, he was pretty clean, as a bay, of course he was, whereas Rain was covered in dust, the kind of dust that is made of dry mud that has dried up and shrivelled in the heat of the sun's summer rays. After a little while of grooming, she left the two to munch while she collected the two horse's tack and propped them in them in the little shed which stood by the arena. She used this for people to watch on colder days, and also for jump poles, stands, and other horsey things. All of the tack she needed was in there for now, apart from Scooby's bridle, which she had unclipped the reins from. Laura put this on him and began to lead both horses out of the barn and through into the wooded area. She tied Rain to the fence with some haylage for him to eat and then took Scooby into the arena and clipped the lunge line onto his bridal and started to lunge him. The reason why she was doing this, was to show Rain that it was safe and that it was OK. Especially since she was about to lunge Rain and possibly ride him. "Good boy Scoob. Good boy." Laura slowed Scooby and gave him a pat, now it was Rain's turn. Multiple ideas of what could go down, entered Laura's mind, some good some bad, but all worth it. "Right Rain, your turn now, don't worry it's nothing to be nervous about." She tied Scooby to the fence next to him, then she retrieved Rain's bridle from the shed, took his reins off, and put it on him. Rain was pretty unbothered by the bridle until a bright purple lunge line was attached to it. He tried to back away but Laura walked towards him with a treat in hand, gradually he edged towards her and took the treat from her hand, chewing it tentatively. "Good boy Rain, you're OK mate, it's just a lunge line see," Laura held up the now coiled up lunge line, "and Scooby is right here yeah? Yeah, good boy." She smiled and led him slowly into the arena were she walked him around it first, just so that he could get used to his surroundings. She then lunged him in a slow walk before clicking her toungue and asking for trot, he instantly transitioned into a steady but continuous trot, his head hung low and stretched, his paces equal in length and with engaged hind quatrers, this horse showed almost unlimited potential. She had two lives in front of her now.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2021 ⏰

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