Laura glared at the two men, they both glared back. It was like a staring contest, but for no reason whatsoever. "What a big mouth you've got yourself. What's your name kiddo." They quite frankly thought she was just a bit of dirt on their shoe. Although Roger Finash was her favourite for the weekend, now he was just a cruel cruel man in her mind. "The names Laura, Laura Eastwood. Who are you two then?" Trying to annoy the self involved competitors, apparently Laura didn't know their names. Obviously, she did know exactly who they were but her plan definitely worked, as they were taken aback and couldn't quite believe what she was saying. "Er," Roger cleared his throat, "I'm Roger Finash, a competitor here. This is my friend Matthew Parkers. You seem very interested in my horse don't you. Now tell me, why?" He now talked to Laura as if she were a kid, even worse, she thought. " I'm a bit like you two actually. I'm an eventer, but what's different, is that I treat my horses with respect, and I definitely do not, laugh because they are miserable. Just look at him..." Laura pushed through the two men towards the horse. His head hung low and you could see his ribs, he was clearly unhealthy and he had been looked after poorly. "Yes I know, just look at him, he's beautiful. Not a lump on his body." This time is was Matthew who spoke. But strangely, he talked about the horse in a caring manner and he was smiling. "Are you crazy?! Do you really think that this horse is well and cared for?! How can you possibly laugh at his health, how can you have that cruelty in you that sparks and maybe, quite literally burns him!?" Laura was almost shouting, it had gone from a rather calm discussion to an angry argument. " How dare you come into a private car park, talk to us like that, and say that we are mistreating this horse?! OUR HORSE! He is not yours, and you are a good person, truly, for caring about him but you have no say in this matter! YOU ARE IRRELEVANT!" Parkers was angry, very angry. He was also deadly serious, but this didn't turn away the two sisters, in fact it was Maisy who talked next. She laughed, looked down, then up at the horse, then at the two men. "Do you find this funny little girl?" Finash stared down at her and Maisy laughed again. "Yes I do rather. But I can say for sure, that although I have no idea whatsoever about horses, he is clearly not well. So tell me, how much is he worth, and for that matter, tell us all about him." Maisy was talking like a professional, it was crazy. Laura looked at her with disbelief then decided to go with it and put her professional face on too. "Huh. Well I guess if you two girls are so very interested, we might as well tell you. His name is Snowy Showers but his stable name is Rain..." Parkers and Finash continued talking about Snowy Showers and told them all about him, his age, his height, everything. About 20 minutes later they finished.
"Maisy, do me a favour and call dad." Laura was sitting on the grass with bags all around her.
"You know as well as I do sis. They're out." Maisy smiled. "We could call Noah..."
"Nice try, worst comes to worst then fine. Try calling Martha." Maisy started calling numberous numbers and arranged for her cousin to pick them up.
After about half an hour, Maisy received another call from their cousin saying that he was just a little way down from the entrance, then Maisy went to find him so he could help with all of their bags. Looking up, Laura heard the crunch of gravel and standing in front of her was Trevor, her cousin. He put out a hand for Laura to grab and she stood up. "Well, well well, I haven't seen you for ages!" He smiled. "How is your competing going, have you been today?" He looked around to try and spot a horse box or anything that would show she was competing that day. "Er no, it's going good but we need help. I need you to keep coming for all of this." She looked around at the bags surrounding her on the grass. "All of it, and take it home. Please. I'm going to walk this boy home." She looked at Rain as he munched the long green grass. "Yeh, we are taking you home. Where you belong." She smiled at the horse.
"Maisy are you gonna help me, or am I on my own." Trevor turned to Maisy then to the bags.
"Yes I will. Good luck Laura." Her sister wore a warm smile and was obviously coming around to horses. After today, who wouldn't. "Right then, I'll see you at home." Laura clicked and Rain picked up his head, though it was still low. As the group separated they waved their goodbyes. "It's alright boy, you're going to be safe here, I promise I will never let them lay their eyes on you ever again. Unless you are proving them to be dirt on our shoes." Laura laughed quietly as she looked at her new horse. He was beautiful, she thought, he just needed time and patience. Time and patience. "That's it!" She stopped and faced her horse. "We can keep Rain, that suits you, but you can't stay as Snowy Showers. Time and Patience. Doesn't that sound fantastic." He gave a little snort and rubbed his head on her shoulder. "Awww that's sweet, glad you like me. We better get going, it'll be getting dark soon."

No Dreams Left
AdventureLaura eastwood loves eventing, and has competed since the age of seven. But not everything goes to plan for Laura, especially not when she buys an injured and troubled horse at one of the most famous horse events in the world.