~Chapter 5~

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At 5:05pm, the pair reached home. They had already been passed but Maisy and Trevor so she wasn't worried about getting in. There were two gates into the premises of the house, the first led up a small driveway to the garage and the second was through a small wooded gate, up a narrow path through some trees, and finally to the stables. Laura's stables were never fancy, but as she became more well known they decided to do a huge renovation. Instead of a small wooded stable block, she now had a small indoor barn with 6 stables, a wash bay, a tacking up bay, a feed room and a tack room. It was a lot more fancy than it used to be, but it was far from posh. Out through the other side of the barn to the left, was a path leading through a gate and through some trees. There lay a 60m wide by 160m long sand school, in here she would mainly practice her dressage and flatwork, but in the winter she would jump in there too. If you were to continue through the forest path, then you'd come to a cross country course that stretched over 10 acres. It ranged from super easy 20cm jumps to 5* event worthy 1.80 tall and wide jumps too. She was extremely lucky to have such excellent facilities, and used them often . On the left of the arena there stood a huge shed which once used to be her dads filled with old machine parts and tractors. But now it was filled with piles and piles of hay bales ,which she frequently use for games of hide and seek, and bags of shavings. Of course her dad still had his corner of the shed for his important matters though.

Luckily, none of her horses were at the gate, otherwise they would get so excited at the prospect of a new horse. She led Rain into the barn and tied him up in the wash bay, then she turned the solarium on so he would feel more relaxed and cozy in his new home. Laura was just about to call her sister, when she and Trevor excitedly rushed into the barn. "OMG! Seriously Laura he's wonderful." Trevor walked calmly over to the giant like horse. "Thanks. Good find right!? 

"Yeah! Oh, by the way we dumped all of his things in the tack-room, we will go grab some other things that we left in the house." Laura smiled from ear to ear, "Yes okay thank you guys this means the world."

The minute you enter the barn, you face chippy, next to him is Scooby, and since Duch is such a mare, she lives opposite Scooby. As Rain was a new member to the Eastwood family, for now, Laura decided to make up a stable for him one stable away from Duch, this meant that the boys would notice him, but Duch wouldn't need to get in a fit about it. Once his stable was done, she found a fly mask that he could wear, then she led him out into the field. Laura left his head collar on, but she unclipped the lead rope. Rain walked slowly over to the water trough with his head stretched down, she watched him sniff around the ground and suddenly his ears pricked and he propped his head up high, listening intently. Rain swivelled to face up the hill and whinnied. "Here we go..." Laura thought to herself and laughed, she then noticed a big cloud of dust gathering at the top of the hill, "Oh no. Prepare yourself Rainy boy, they're coming, and they're quite the handful." She spoke to Rain as if he were a human, and looked at him as if he were the most beautiful thing in the universe, which to her, he was. Her three other equines dashed down the hill only stopping about two meters away from the new arrival. She took out her phone and started videoing this sacred moment. Duch, Scooby and Chippy slowly moved a tiny bit closer and started sniffing around Rain. Then Rain started sniffing around the others, Duch squealed and backed off a bit giving them all a fright but the boys continued to make themselves acquainted with one another.

After a while Laura left her equines to have a play around and to let Rain explore a bit, before coming back in two hours to watch the sunset with them. As usual they were all grazing at the top of the hill and Rain was staring off into the distance, the views strangely settling him. "Hey guys, how are we? Right I think it's about 15 minutes until the sky will start changing so let's get relaxed ok." Firstly Laura crowded the horses together so that she wouldn't have to get up as much, then she preformed her magic on her Scooby first for him to lie down, rewarding him, he got a Stud Muffin, his favourite treat. She repeated this with Chippy and also Duch, and decided to leave Rain to do his own thing so he wouldn't get stressed. But eventually he came over to the group and stood with them all. Laura took some pictures for her social medias and even went live for a bit, here she had to be careful, as Rain was still a secret to all of her fans.

Once the sunset was over and the lights started to fade out of the sky she brought her horses into the barn and said a last goodnight, not realising that it might be the last good night...

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