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"I do."

Bile was rising in my throat and my lip was trembling. Garmadon took in a deep breath and started to speak. "Your Dad faked drowning as he was on the lamb." He says. "What do you mean on the lamb?" I ask. "I suppose I should start from the beginning." He pauses.

"It all started at the blacksmith's shop your Father and I worked at. A customer came in one day with some diamond-forged sword and we found out the value of it, and it was a large amount of money." He said. I sucked in a deep breath then he continued. "Of course we did some research and it turns out it's an illegal and stolen artifact. We kept it safe and tried to call the police but it turns out the customer threatened to kill us if we did."

I wanted to throw up so badly but I wanted to hear what Garmadon had to say.

"I backed off instantly when the customer pulled out a weapon and threatened us but the man your father is he said he'll report it to the police no matter how many times they threatened to kill him. But when he threatened what's most important to him, you and your sister, he backed off easily." He spoke. Did the customer really threaten to kill Nya and I?

"What was the customer's name and why did Dad fake his death?" I ask.

"The customer was called Nadakhan and he's in a gang of thugs called 'The Pirates' and the reason Dad faked his death is because the sword went missing, we had no idea where it went and Nadakhan instantly blamed Ray. So Nadakhan tried to track him down, at this point we had had enough but Nadakhan went further and killed some one as a warning."

Oh crap this just got serious.

"Your Father then pretended to drown so The Pirates would believe the sword drowned with him. Yet somehow, they found out he's alive and are looking for him as we speak."

Okay so Dad is on the run from a gang and this guy wants me to help?

"Wait why aren't you helping?" I questioned. Garmadon on the other end inhaled the finally responded.

"I'm on the other side of the world! You're in Britain and The Pirates have only found out your Dad is in Britain but don't know where!"

Alright no need to get aggressive. I mentally rolled my eyes at him.

"Fine, but how am I gonna find Dad if I don't know where he is?" I groaned. "Look for clues!" Garmadon snapped. "So helpful!" I sarcastically grumbled and hung up. I fell back into my bed and grabbed my pillow and shoved it into my face and screamed quietly.

This is going to be a looong ride.


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