
It's been a few days since I lost spoke to Garmadon, I'm starting not to believe that this stuff is true but something inside me digs for an adventure.

That Cole kid and his dad are still staying in the barn, for the next month apparently. I mean I'm not complaining it's nice to have some company.

"KAI COME DOWNSTAIRS I NEED YOUR HELP!" I could hear my Mother screaming from the kitchen. I groaned and reluctantly swung my feet over my bed and took my time going down the staircase. I walked into the kitchen to see that it was covered in boxes filled with things, Dad's things..

Ever since my Father died my Mother could be cruel yet sometimes so lovingly but it just felt so manipulative. She took her anger out on me a lot but never Nya. I'm never angry at Nya though I could never be she's only 12 and doesn't understand things but if my Mother needs to throw something then I'm the punching bag. Luckily I was great at dodgeball when I was younger. However, one time she took things to far and hurt Nya. I can remember her face still as anything after our Mother just threw the entirety of her wine cabinet at her just because she dropped a plate. I don't think my mother can remember doing that but I can and Nya definitely does. god sometimes I wish she would just speak things would be so easy.

"Kai I need you to take these boxes to the dump." My Mother said as she turned around from me to pretend to wash something in the sink.
"Why are you throwing away dad's stuff?" I asked.
"Just do it Kai I don't feel like arguing today." She deadpanned.
"No, but I do. why are you throwing away his stuff he was me and Nya's dad too you can't just erase him from our lives!" I snapped.
"Kai I swear to God if you don't do as I say I'll make you regret back chatting so hard you won't even try just to chat ever again!" She turned around and screamed.
"Whatever." I picked up two boxes and turned around to see Nya looking in through the door, I gave her a faint smile and she smiled back then ran away upstairs.

I walked a few minutes away from the house and set the boxes down. I looked through them. It was stuff like his books and his nerd collection stuff (samurai swords). There was old photo frames of all of us as a happy family. I dunked everything out of the boxes. I put the things that I wanted into one box and his nerd collection into the other. And I am in fact not going to the dump. Instead I started walking towards the barn.

I got to the backyard of it where the backdoor was. I could see Cole in the kitchen just sat on the stool. I tapped on the glass motioning him to let me in. He slid the door open.

"Hey buddy watcha got there?" He asked.
"Ah just old memory stuff I just need to put in the attic up here." I said.
"Ok cool, need any help looks heavy?" He offered.
"Oh no it's fi-" before I could even finish he took one of the boxes off my hands.
"Where do these go again?" He asked.
"The attic." I answered.
"Oh okayyy, uh ignore the mess up there though I've been staying in that room." cole laughed.
"Oh no don't worry not as bad as mine." I answered.

Cole's a really nice guy he's tall and funny and nice and kinda handsome...No I shouldn't think that he's probably not a guy like I am.

We got upstairs and it wasn't even a mess, Sure the bed wasn't made but it was clean. We placed the boxes down.

"There ya go, got anything else you need help with?" Cole asked.
"Actually yeah, there's more." I responded.
"Oh thank god I've been so bored even this is fun to me." Cole started running back down the stairs.
"Hold on a sec! My mum thinks that I'm taking these to the dump so don't say anything." I warned him.
"That's fine."

We started to walk back towards the house just chatting away about random things.

"Why does your mum want you to take them to the dump?" He turned to me.
"I don't even know, but it's all of my Dad's stuff so I'm not getting rid of it." I responded,
"Fair enough, that's crazy though getting rid of all of that for no reason." Cole said. I nodded and hummed a yes.

We got back to the house and my mum was sat on the couch watching T.V and Nya was making food in the kitchen. She gets my Father's mastery cooking genes. I picked more boxes of the dining table with Cole and we went back and forth from the barn to the house. Once we finished Cole stayed behind in the barn to start dinner for his Dad and I went back to the house. If mum founds out what I did I'm screwed and she'd probably kill me.

I opened the door and I could hear my mum on the phone to her friends. Her voice was high and sweet. Sometimes she can be nice but it's all an act. I walked into the living room to wave that I'm back.

"Wait hold on a sec Libby, Kai a package came for you I left it on your bed. Ok Libs I'm back Kai just walked in." She continued talking on the phone. That's strange I didn't order anything.

I went upstairs to my bedroom, I walked past Nya's room she had the door open and she was just sat on her bed reading a book. Her room was neat, like extremely neat. My mum seems to think she has some kind of disorder but I think she just likes to keep things clean.

I went down the hall to my room and there was a big boxed on my bed. It had an envelope on top just saying my name.

"This package has probably come late but it's fine we have at least two weeks to spare. If you haven't gotten my phone call yet stop reading and wait for a phone call if not you know what is going on. Hello Kai. This is some information that I've gathered so far about your Father's whereabouts and the gang."

The box had a few letters addressed to my dad sent from "The Pirates" and a parcel with an address written on it that I didn't recognise.

I started with the letters. The first one read:


We know that you're gonna report us but go ahead try we can kill you before you can even get to them."

These letters weren't long and the handwriting was scrawny


You tried to report us? Too bad they didn't believe you but with you racking up more and more evidence daily it's starting to worry us but now really back off we will kill you."

This is getting slightly nerve wracking now.


Now there's an investigation against us thanks a lot dickhead. You better go back to the police and tell them you were tricked or I will kill your precious Kai and Nya. And I am not fucking joking if I can find out their names then I can find out where they are and I won't be afraid to kill them."

How on Earth does he know our names.


News tells us that you've died now you died in a boating accident. I've sent this letter to your friend's address you really should've done what he did and minded his own fucking business. Now look at the consequences you dead and I'm alive. All charges and investigations have been dropped so thanks for that. Cya in hell."

I opened the final letter.


We know you aren't fucking dead. We've sent this letter to Garmadon again so when this letter reaches you this is your warning. You stole our fucking sword and we will get it back and once I find you I'll find your children too and I'll blow they're brains out in front of you."

My heart was racing, my hands were shaking. Oh God. How on earth does he know who me and Nya are. I didn't even care what they would do to me but I cared more about Nya. I picked up the parcel with the strange address. I started to tear the paper to see a...shoe box? Specifically baby shoes. What? What does this have to do with anything? I took the address sticker and took a photo of it maybe that's a code or something.

I started to hear footsteps coming up the stairs so I quickly put everything back in the box and hid it under my bed. My door started to open it was my mum holding a tray of biscuits and crap.

"What was the package honey?" My mother asked setting the tray down on my desk. She was being sweet.

"Oh uh just some old things that Jay sent me y'know like old clothes." I lied.
"Oh that bow is just so tall and he's only 13, he should play basketball." She smiled and walked out.

My heart is still racing from everything I just read.


Word count: 1602

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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