Chapter 12:

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Dana's POV:

Faith left for tour and I think the boys is her opening act which is cool because she gets to spend time Zayn. I was out about with Eleanor and Sophia we were talking about how things were going in our life then Eleanor brought up the wedding plans "So Sophia how is wedding planning going" Eleanor asked "Good would you guys like to my bridesmaids and Faith to when she get back of course" Sophia said Eleanor and I looked at each other and nodded like crazy. Sophia just smiled and laughed "So I take that as yes then" Sophia said "Yes" Eleanor and I said we went shopping in the central square stores "Wow I wish Faith be were to see some of there clothes because they are perfect for her" I said smiling yeah tonight I get to see my boyfriend and best friend.

After shopping I went to visit my family for a while little I told them that I had a boyfriend and that I was happy and that I really love him "I want to meet him" Mom said "We all do I talk to your aunts and uncles about and we can have a get together" Dad said "Can Faith come as well I think she will be there happy and she also has a boyfriend too she is happy too" I said Mom squealed "Okay yes this is perfect" Mom said I laughed. I left their house and went home and started packing for the trip I wonder where Faith is anyways probably Japan which just bet she is happy about because she loves that place.

*skipping the plane*

I landed in Japan I could see a girl with her threw up in a bun she be couldn't "Faith" I yelled the girl turned around "Dana" Faith said running over to me we hugged. We outside fans surrounding Faith and I we looked at each other and laughed we got into the car "So Dana how as it been without me around" Faith asked "Good Eleanor, Sophia and I have been hanging out more and more" I said "That's good how is Sophia wedding planning going" Faith asked "Good and she wants us to be bridesmaids" I said Faith eyes grew wide "Really" Faith asked "Yes really" I said smiling. We arrived at the hotel and man was it nice we walked into Faith's hotel room "You guys what are doing in here" Faith asked putting her hands on hips Zayn turned around "Well babe we wanted to surprise you and Dana with something" Zayn said Faith cocked her head to the side in confusion "Surprise with what" I asked.

Harry grabbed Faith and me by the arms pulling towards the couch and covering our eyes with a blindfold "You guys are so dead" Faith said "Babe you love this surprise I promise" Zayn said. After everything went silent I could feel Faith grab my hand squeezing it "Okay you can take the blindfold off girls" Louis said I did as I was told eyes adjusting to the lights. I saw my parents standing around in a circle I smiled and hugged even though I saw them a day before I left. I looked at Faith looking down at her hands Emma was sitting right next to her Faith had something in her hands it looked a metal from when Faith's dad was in the military "He would want you to have it sweetie bring with you everywhere you go" Emma said kissing Faith's head.

Faith got up and left the room she wasn't been the same since her dad died she missing him a lot and I can tell I went out by her Faith looked at me tears streaming down her face I pulled her into a hug. We heard the door open I turned around Zayn was leaning in the door way I backed away from Faith Zayn walked over and hugged Faith. We were talking "Faith are okay now" Zayn asked the with concern look in his eye Faith nodded motivating anything. We were about to go come inside when Faith grabbed my arm I looked back at her "Faith are you sure you are okay" I asked "No I lied because I wanted to talk you" Faith said looking down at her hands "Faith but Zayn trust and you trust him why would you lie" I asked "Because I need to tell you something and my mom doesn't know this and I don't know Zayn to hear this" Faith said I placed my hand on Faith's shoulder.

Faith told me what happened with the hate towards her dad and she was crying her eyes out "Faith did they know that he was sick" I asked "Yeah they did I would post things on Twitter saying that my father is in the hospital again because of his cancer and other things like that but hate towards my father just keeps getting worst and worst no matter what I said or what other fans said it just kept coming" Faith said sliding down the the wall placing her head in her hands. I slid down next to her "Faith it's not your fault that happened people just can be cruel" I said Faith glanced up me. Her eyes were red and starting to get puffy a tear rolled down her face "But my dad didn't do anything wrong deserve what said about him" Faith said Faith sighed the door opened again Liam and Louis came out but I told them to go back in they gave me a weird look but did as they were told. Faith and I went back inside "Faith do you have a concert tonight" Emma asked "Yeah I do" Faith said I looked at Faith she didn't even look up from the up from the ground.

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