Chapter 3

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Dana's POV

Why is my boyfriend here and why does it look like he did something "Babe what's going on" I asked "Ummm... Have to tell you something and please don't be mad" Daniel said "Okay and there is no promise I won't get mad" I said Daniel grabbed my arm and pulled my outside of Simon's office. Daniel let go of my arm "What is going on with you" I asked "Well ummm... I have been cheating on you" Daniel said "What for how long" I asked "For a few months" Daniel said "What" I asked "Well because we barely hang out anymore because of your career taking over your life" Daniel said I rolled my eyes "Whatever we are over I don't want to see you anymore stay away from me and stay away from my family" I said angrily before I left I slapped him.

I walked outside and I saw Zayn smoking I walked over "Hey Zayn I heard that you quit smoking" I asked "What where did you hear that" Zayn asked giving me a weird look "A friend she is a huge fan of you and the boys" I said "No that isn't true" Zayn said "Oh" I said "So why are you here" Zayn asked "Because Simon called me in but my boyfriend just told me that he was cheating on me and I ended" I said "Oh well that well happen Perrie did the same to me but hey at unless he told you I found in an interview but hey who knows I could meet Faith and we could met to be for each other" Zayn said I laughed.

After I was talking to Zayn I walked to my car. I bumped into someome and fell in the ground "Ow" I said "I'm so sorry I was paying attention"  a guy said "Harry is that you" I asked "Yeah its me Dana" Harry said "Hey wait why are you here" I asked "Because Simon wanted to see me" Harry said "Oh okay well I will see you tomorrow" I said "Dana wait how is Faith doing" Harry asked "She is good but in a lot of pain" I said "Oh well maybe we can stop be tomorrow and say hi" Harry said "I think that she will like that a lot" I said "And Zayn will be happy to meet her" Harry said "Well here ia my address" I said handing Harry my address. I walked away and drove back home.

After watching a little bit more Tv. I went to bed I have a feeling that tomorrow is going an interesting day.

Harry's POV

Oh my god I got Dana address this is the best night ever! I walked over to Zayn "Hey lad" Zayn said "Hey guess what" I said "What" Zayn asked "We are all going over to Dana's and you get to finally meet your dream girl" I said jumping up and down "What really please tell me you are kidding" Zayn said throwing his cigarette on the ground and stomping on it.

After Zayn and I went inside to talk Simon we drove home. We walked inside and the boys were sitting on the couch "Hey boys so what did Simon talk to you about" Liam asked "Nothing how management is looking for girlfriends for us" Zayn said "WHAT WHY YOU GUYS DON'T NEED A GIRLFRIEND YOU CAN BE SINGLE WITH US" Niall said "But two of you guys aren't single Liam and Louis both have girlfriends" I said. Louis and Liam rolled their eyes "Look lad just because we have  girlfriends doesn't mean that you need one to" Louis said "I didn't say that" I said Zayn walked away it looked like something was bothering him. I follow him upstairs he walked into his graffiti room I knocked Zayn answered "What's up Harry" Zayn asked rising an eyebrow "Is something bothering you" I asked "What nothing is bothering me" Zayn said "You can't hide it from me Zayn I know something is wrong" I said "Okay maybe something is wrong but I don't want to talk about it" Zayn said.

I was done talking to Zayn I walking to my room when I bumped into Louis "So is what's wrong with Zayn he's more quiet than usually" Louis asked "I don't know but tomorrow we get to go Dana's house" I said trying my best to act as calm as possible. Louis freaked out a little bit and then he calmed down Louis and I went in our own direction. I went into my room and laid on my bed waiting to asleep waiting for tomorrow to come.

Zayn's POV

Everyone was in bed having wonderful happy dreams but me I'm lying wake in my bed thinking the interview that Perrie was in and thinking about what she said over and over again playing in my head. I reached over for my phone that sitting on my nightside and called Dana come please pick up "Hello who is this who and you have a good reason why you are calling me at 3 in the morning" A tired voice said "Hey Dana its Zayn Simon gave me your number and yes there is a good reason why I'm calling you... Okay well here goes nothing you know how I told about Perrie... Well I can't stop thinking about it and I don't know what to do... Okay thank you sorry for calling you so late bye" I hang up my phone and fell to asleep.

The next morning I felt someone jumping on my bed "Go away trying to sleep" I said pulling the covers over my head "Zayn wake up we are going to over to Dana's and Faith's house in 30 minutes" Niall said "Okay" I said. I jumped out of bed and into the shower I quickly did my hair and got dresssed I went downstairs "Wow Zayn that took you faster than usually" Liam said "When I want to see my favorite female singer actress dancer and model" I said "Are you fanboying right now" Louis said "What no" I said.

We drove down to Dana's house we knocked on the door and Dana answered it "Hey Dana" Harry said. We walked inside and there was a girl sitting on the couch resting her leg on a pillow looking really sad "Guys this is Faith, Faith meet Harry, Louis, Liam, Niall, and Zayn" Dana introduced us. Faith looked over and smiled oh wow she is even prettier than in person. Dana and Harry were talking about randoms thing Faith was almost sleeping falling asleep on the couch "Faith please don't fall asleep" Niall said innocently "Sorry but the meds that I'm on for the pain makes me sleepy" Faith said rubbing her eyes "But we want to get know you" Liam said I rolled my eyes "Look guys if she is tired then let's her sleep but Faith can we be friends" I asked but she was already asleep "Don't worry you guys are friends Faith she makes friends everywhere and anywhere she goes" Dana said.

I can't believe that I'm friends with Faith Smith best day ever Dana and Harry were still talking its looks like then have a lot in common. I explored the house when I came across a room that smelled like paint I opened up the door and there was paint and graffiti everywhere paint on the walls and ceiling. This is amazing I wonder who painted all these I felt someone tap my shoulder I turned around and saw bright blue eyes staring at me. "Faith umm... Hey sorry I was looking around and I smelled paint-" Faith cut me off be by finger up by me mouth "You don't need explain I would gave the done same thing trust me and you like these painting" Faith asked fixing her long jet black hair out her face I nodded "Who did these" I asked "Me" Faith said.  Faith and I walked back to the living room I offered to carry her but she turned it down "Hey you two" Dana asked "Hey Dana I need to the hospital remember my doctors appointment" Faith said "Oh ya I take you because you and drive this giant cast on you leg" Dana said laughing "Yeah I hate this thing it is so itching under it" Faith said smiling.

We all decided that we wanted to go the doctors with Dana her and Harry were still talking "I think that they might date" Louis said "Me too" I said but with management looking for girlfriends for us I don't think that is going to out.

(A/N Management is now looking for girlfriends for Harry and Zayn

Will Harry and Zayn turn around their offer for the girls that choose or will they go along with it

Or Will Harry and Zayn start dating Dana and Faith behind Management backs

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