Chapter 14:

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Harry's POV:

The tour ended and we all were just out and about Faith was looking at clothes with the girls because they wanted to show her the clothes that they came across then they were shopping without. The boys and I were all looking at anniversary gifts for our amazing girls and Niall now has a girlfriend her name is Lexie and we are all meeting her tonight. The girls came back carrying bags full of clothes and shoes I laughed "What babe" Dana asked "Nothing" I said. The boys and their girls walked off while Dana and I were just around the mall Dana was quiet and kept checking her phone ever few minutes "Dana are you okay" I asked "Yeah I'm fine why do you ask babe" Dana asked "Because you keep checking your phone and you haven't said a word" I said "Oh sorry Faith keeps sending me pictures of her making funny faces and I just have a lot on my mind that's all" Dana said.

Dana and I were eating Dana went to go get Starbucks coffee for me and her. A guy came up to me "So your Dana's new guy" the guy said "Yeah I am why do you ask and who are you" I asked raising an eyebrow "Because she completely down graded to the type of like you" The guy said "Ummm... Excuse me but you don't know me so Dana completely upgraded from a guy like you to me thank you very much and you didn't answer my other question" I said "I'm Daniel Dana's ex and you are" Daniel asked "I'm Harry Styles" I said. Daniel rolled his eyes "What to you have a problem with me" I asked "What no I have no problem not with you anyways" Daniel said smirking Dana came back carrying two coffees "Here you go babe" Dana said putting down the coffee in front of me she glanced up "Daniel what are you doing here" Dana asked "Come on baby I know you miss me" Daniel said Dana started laughing really loud. I smiled knowing that she thinks this is really funny "Me miss you oh man my stomach hurts because I was laughing so hard" Dana said holding her stomach then she started talking again "You broke up with me remember why would I miss you I'm perfectly happy and you or anyone else by that fact can't ruin that" Dana yelled "But babe come on-" Dana cut Daniel off "No I don't care at all come Harry let's go" Dana said pulling my hand I grab my coffee "Wait Dana hold on" I said Dana looked at me confused "Okay" Dana said "Hey Daniel" I said. Daniel turned around I punched him in the face "Owww.... But is that the best you got" Daniel said I punched him again this time Daniel punched back.

Dana grabbed me and walked off "Harry are you okay" Dana asked "Yeah babe I'm fine" I said Dana sighed in relief "I'm glad what did he say anything to you at all" Dana asked "No besides that he thinks you downgraded from dating him" I said Dana started laughing "Oh wow that is the best thing I have heard all day I updated by dating at least one thousand times from when I dated him" Dana said. We walked back to meet the boys and the girls everyone was talking to each other "Harry what happened to you" Liam asked "Long story" I said Dana the girls were all talking. We all went back to my place sat down and watched movies almost all night Faith turned around and looked at me "So are you going to tell us what happened to your face" Faith asked "Oh yeah Styles what happened to face" Louis asked "Dana and I ran into someone today that Faith knows pretty well" I said "Daniel" Faith asked Dana and I both nodded. Faith eyes grew wide "Wait Daniel did that to you" Faith asked I nodded "Yeah he sure did" I said Faith shook her head.

Dana's POV:

Faith and I were back home talking to each other "So Daniel and Harry talked today huh" Faith asked "Yeah they but did good thing I came before something bad happened" I said "I don't know I would do Zayn ran into my ex" Faith said "I know what Zayn would do to your ex if you two ran into him" I said Faith gave me a weird look and got up "Okay then what Zayn do" Faith asked "Ummm.... He would fight ex girl Zayn is the jealous protective bad boy type" I said Faith laughed "I could see that actually" Faith said. Faith went to bed and I was up watching tv helping Sophia picking decorations for the wedding Faith is helping her pick out her dress and shoes. I love that Eleanor, Faith, and I are helping Sophia with her wedding plans Faith and I haven't known the girls for that long so it's cool.

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