Chapter 8

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Dana's POV

Faith sat down on the couch but it looked like she wanted to talk to me alone I grabbed her and pulled her outside it was still raining "Faith what's wrong" I asked worried "My dad he he" Faith broke into tears before she could finish "He what" I asked "He died the cancer it took over his body and he couldn't fight it anymore my mom took him to the hospital thinking the doctors could do something but...." Faith completely fell to the ground I leaned down to her and comforted her "Its okay Faith you have me Zayn and the boys" I said Faith nodded "I know that but I just I don't know I need to be alone right now" Faith said she stood up and walked off I walked inside "What's wrong with Faith" Niall asked "Her dad died the doctors couldn't do anything to stop the cancer" I said almost crying myself Faith's parent are like my parents and my parents are like Faith's parents.

Harry came downstairs "Hey babe I thought that you would have left with Faith" Harry said wrapping his arm around my shoulder I smiled a weak smile "I think she wants to be alone" I said "Oh well that makes sense" Harry said "Yeah it does I guess but I want to there for her I guess I'm worried that I might say the wrong thing" I said Harry hugged me "Babe I don't think you could say thing that would alright upset her" Harry said I kissed him "Thanks" I said smiling.

Zayn came running down the stairs "Where's Faith" Zayn said he looked panicked "She left" I said Zayn went towards the front door I got up and ran over to the door "She wants to be alone" I said putting my hand on his shoulder "What are you talking about Perrie is still trying to ruin our relationship" Zayn said with a confused look on his face "Faith didn't tell you" I asked "Tell me what" Zayn said wow Faith must really mad to not tell Zayn that her dad just died "Faith's dad died a few hours ago" I said Zayn's eye grew wide I looked back at Harry he just shrugged his shoulders I removed my hand from his shoulder.

Zayn ran out the door to god knows where I sat back down on the couch Niall and Louis just looked at each other with a what the heck just happened face. I explained everything that happened Niall's and Louis' mouths fell open I looked at Liam he looked surprise "Whats wrong Liam" Harry asked "I thought that he was beating it the doctor told her that he would beat it"  Liam said I shook my head "Let's talk about something" I said the boys nodded.

The boys and I were talking for hours when a drunk Zayn walked in "Mate are you drunk" Harry asked "Yeah why do you care" Zayn said almost falling on the ground but he caught himself "We thought that you went over to Dana's and Faith's house" Liam said "Whatttt no Faith is mad at me why would go over there" Zayn said my eyes grew wide I stood up "ZAYN DID YOU FORGET THAT HER DAD JUST DIED" I yelled Zayn looked at me shocked.

I drove home I walked inside Faith was curled up in a ball I giggled Faith looked over at me "What" Faith asked "You look so cute" I said Faith smiled but it quickly faded I sat down next to her "So did Zayn stop over" I asked "What no why would he stop over he is to busy with Perrie" Faith said. I was going to start talking but Faith went on "And plus he doesn't know that my dad died" Faith said looking down at her feet. Faith and I were talking suddenly Faith said something really random "You and Harry are SO cute together" Faith said I smiled trying to hide the blush that was rising to my cheeks.

Faith went to bed because she was mental and emotional drained as well. I stayed for a little while because I needed to pack for my upcoming tour. Finally I went to bed thinking about what will happen when I'm on tour and if Faith and Zayn will make up soon because I can't stand to see her upset anymore.

Zayn's POV:

I don't remember anything from last night Harry explained everything to me I can't believe that Faith's dad died and I wasn't there to comfort her What is wrong with me? All these questions went wandering though my head I called Faith hoping that she will pick up it rang a few times but no answer I groaned out of frustration.

The boys and I were talking when there was a knock on the door I got up and answered it Dana and Faith were standing in the doorway I motioned them to come in Dana sat down on the couch Faith stopped and looked up me her eyes blood shot I quickly pulled her into hug at first she didn't hug back "It's okay Love I'm here" I said Faith hid her head in my chest. I smiled I looked up at everyone they were smiling thank god she has forgave me Faith walked in the living room and sat down next to Dana they were smiling and laughing Harry pulled me in the kitchen "What mate" I asked "So what about our double date" Harry asked "Yeah what about it I think we should go ice skating or something fun" I said Harry though it for a moment then smiled "Yeah that would be perfect and it would be really fun but do the girls know how to skate that is the question" Harry said confused I shrugged.

Harry and I walked back into the living room the boys left so Dana and Faith were sitting on the couch still smiling and laughing. Harry and I sat down Dana walked over sitting down next to Harry he wrapped his arm around her "So girls we were wondering..." Harry asked I nudged him he looked at me the like a was crazy "What" Harry asked confused "Don't tell Faith I want it to be a surprise" I said Harry nodded.

Harry's POV:

I explained everything to Dana "That would be so fun but you don't want me to tell Faith because Zayn wants to a surprise" Dana asked I nodded "Okay I promise that I won't say a word but the double date will need to wait until I get back from tour and Faith is coming with me because she is my opening act but she will be coming a little later because of her dad's funeral" Dana said "Okay do you know if Faith knows how to ice skate" I asked Dana shook her head. Dana and I walked back into the living room Faith left because her mom wanted her to help out with her dad's funeral. Zayn went out for a little bit so Dana and I were all alone I forced her to watch a romantic movie I know she doesnt like them but I want her to watch just one with me and I will perfectly happy.

After a while Dana left to go finish  packing because she is leaving tonight I guess Faith is going with her because she is her opening act which is pretty awesome having you best friends on tour with you is so much fun. The boys walked in "Hey Harry where's Dana" Louis asked sitting down next to me "She left because she needed to finish packing" I said Zayn was on his phone he was frowning "Ummm.... Are you okay" Liam asked Zayn looked up from his phone "Yeah I'm just worried about Faith she just seems really upset now that her dad is gone" Zayn said "Are you talking to her right now" Niall asked "Yeah I'm going to see her right now before she leaves with Dana" Zayn said getting up and walking out the door.

The boys and I were talking "So Liam did you ask Sophia to marry you yet" I asked Liam looked down at his hands and smiled "Yeah I did and the girls are amazing here I took a picture" Liam said handing me his phone oh my god Dana and Faith did this wow amazing suddenly I saw graffiti art "Liam did Zayn do this" I asked "The graffiti art no Faith did" Liam said. I handed Liam back his phone my phone suddenly went off it was text from Simon *You and the boys need to come in now* it said I signed I told boys Niall texted Zayn letting him know to meet his down at the studio right now whenever Simon wants to meet us at his office isn't normally a good thing.

We walked into his office Zayn was sitting in a chair "Zayn how did you get here so fast" Louis asked "Dana's and Faith's house is like right down the road and man their house house is really nice" Zayn said "Well yeah it should they paid for it together in full so they own the house" Simon said spinning around in his chair. Simon wanted to talk us about our new album when when two guys walked in "Oh are you guys looking for Faith and Dana" Simon asked the guys nodded their build was huge. Paul walked in Simon looked at Paul gave a little nod know that he can take us back home.

Shortly after Paul dropped us off we talked for a little bit "I wonder what country Dana and Faith that they are going to first" I said the boys shrugged their shoulders. They all went to bed I talked to Dana for a little bit and watched tv then finally went to bed.

(A/N hi everyone sorry it took me so long to update have been really busy lately with my high school's musical that we just finished so here is another update I promise in going to make up for all lost time.

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Sorry again :( Byeeee :)

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