Chapter 16:

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Zayn's POV:

I woke up to Faith sitting on my bed "Babe what are you doing here" I asked "Sorry I just wanted ask you something and I didn't want to do it over the phone" Faith said looking down at her hands "Okay babe what's up" I asked sitting up. I lifted Faith head I wanted to see those amazing and lovely blue eyes "Simon called me and told me that if you don't break up with me you could lose your job" Faith said avoiding eye contact with me "Babe you know I don't care if I lose my job if I don't leave you I wouldn't leave you even if that does mean I will lose my job" I said. Faith stood up "Why didn't you up break with last night when Simon told you" Faith asked okay something really wrong with her and she just isn't telling me what it is. I stood up "Babe what's wrong I told you once before and I will tell over and over again I love more than anything in the world and nothing is going to come between us" I said Faith had tears at the brim of her eyes "I'm sorry Zayn once I stop singing I will just drag you down and I don't want to do that to you I'm sorry but I don't think I can't do this anymore" Faith said she walked out of my room I stood there for a few seconds trying to figure out what just happened I run out my room and downstairs I didn't care if I fell I just needed to hurry and catch Faith before she walks out my life forever. I heard the front door close and my heart went into my stomach no she didn't leave not yet she can't leave I need her more than anything she is the love of my life. I walked into the living room and there was something sitting on the table I picked it up it was Faith's promise ring I gave to her she loved this ring she would play with it if she was really nervous about something it was so cute. I fell to my knees she is really gone now what am I going to do if I freak out before going on stage I text can't Faith she was the one to calm down. I stared crying I can't believe she left that's all that went through my mind.

The boys were over talking I didn't want to talk about anything "Hey Zayn are you okay" Liam asked Sophia walked over to Liam and wrapped her arms around him Harry had his arm around Dana and Louis had his arm around Eleanor. I tried to hold back my tears but it wasn't that easy "Zayn why are you crying you don't cry so easy what's wrong" Dana asked "Faith she left me for good this time I don't think I can get her back" I said through my sobs throwing Faith's promise ring on the table "What why would she do that" Everyone said surprised. "Because she was worried about when she stops singing that she was going to drag me down and Simon called her told her if I didn't break with her I could lose my job" I said wiping away my tears. I looked at everyone seemed really surprised "Maybe you can get her back if you try" Niall said I shook my head Dana was typing on her phone "Babe who are you texting" Harry asked "Faith" Dana said "What why" I asked "Because she needs you like you need her right now you are her rock and she loves you more than anything meaning for her to break up with you over something like this isn't normal there has to more to the story so I'm asking her" Dana said "That's a good idea" Louis said "Thanks" Dana said. We all waiting for Faith to answer "She answered" Dana said "What did she say" I asked "She said the reason I broke up with Zayn is because that his hate would get worse after I stop singing and I couldn't see him hit over what people are going say to him and I didn't want him to lose his job I could tell that he loves his job" Dana said "What I love her more than I love my job and I stick up for myself with the hate I wouldn't let her fans say phase me Dana can you please tell her that" I said Dana nodded "Thank you Dana your the best" I said. Everyone left I was sitting home by myself I was watching a movie when my phone went off it was a text from Simon *Simon- Hey Harry told me what happened how are you doing are you going to go get her back I know management doesn't want you and Faith together and Harry and Dana together but I don't care what they we guys deserve each other so you better go get her back before someone does she is here at the studio right now* I smiled I replied *Me-Thanks Simon I will give it a try but I don't know if she will want me back*. I drove down to the studio I walked inside "Hey Zayn I heard about you and Faith so are you ready to date me again" Perrie said "What no I'm going to get my girl back" I said walking past Perrie. I went into the dance studio seeing Faith practice her dance moves I smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2016 ⏰

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