Chapter 9:

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Faith's POV

Dana and I were on the road again we just got done in Japan wow I can't believe I how much fun we had Dana and I were talking just looking at the beautiful scenery. I was snapped out of my thoughts when Dana started poking me "Faith Faith are you listening to me" Dana asked I looked over at her "What sorry I spaced out" I said "I said Harry just texted me the sweetest thing ever" Dana said I smiled "Oh really what did he say" I asked Dana smiled she looking at her phone scrolling up. She found what she was looking for "Ready" Dana asked I nodded she took a deep breath "My beautiful Dana the love of my life there isn't a day that I don't think about you even when the boys and I are enjoying themselves I can't stop think about you I know it sounds crazy but I just wish that you where here but my side I just so miss so much we are coming up for one of your concerts whoops I wasn't suppose to say anything because Zayn wanted to be a surprise but I can't wait to hold you in arms again well off to the studio I will talk to you later" Dana said "That is really sweet" I said.

Dana looked at me with a curious look on her face "What" I asked "Is something bothering you" Dana asked "Ummmmm...... No not at all" I lied "Yeah okay Faith you can't hide it from me what's wrong" Dana asked again "Just being on the road after my Dad just died is strange that's all and after my accident I'm just a little scared" I said. Dana put her hand on shoulder and gave me a sad smile "Faith you know I'm here for you please if something is bothering you come and talk to me don't bottle it up inside" Dana said I nodded. Dana was talking Harry I went into the lounge room and called Zayn the phone started ringing "Please pick up Zayn" I said to myself suddenly the phone stopped ringing "Hello" A thick Bradford accent said I breathed a breath of relief "Hey... How are things doing with guys... That's good... Yeah Dana and I are having so much fun... Oh the fans yeah they are great some of them made sighs that said that Harry and Zayn would be better off with us... Yeah I know that and I'm really sorry for getting so upset about you and Perrie I should have listened to you better... It was fine I can't believe that he is gone... Alright bye" I hang up the phone and walked back to the front of the bus.

Dana was texting away in her phone I swear her and Harry are so cute together I walked out of the tour bus I put on a snapback and a pair of glasses because I didn't want to get recognized. I was walking along the sidewalk just me and my thoughts I wonder did I start dating Zayn to early I mean I don't know I guess I really don't know anything about him I don't know Ummm... Faith are you okay" my bodyguard Dan asked "Huh oh yeah I'm fine just thinking that's all" I said smiling. Dan and I walked around for a little bit before we went back on the tour bus "Faith where did you go" Dana asked "I went for a walk I needed to clear my head" I said sitting down on the couch "Why did you need to clear your head" Dana asked I ran my hands through my hair "Can I ask you something" I asked Dana raised an eyebrow.

I looked at her then she nodded "Yeah sure what is it" Dana asked "Do you think that Zayn and I started dating to early I mean I don't anything about him it would nice to get know him first" I asked playing with my hands "What Faith did this come from" Dana asked I looked at my phone I looked at Twitter seeing more and more hate growing and growing I showed Dana. Her mouth fell open I looked away "Faith this isn't true I know you better than anyone I know that you would never cheat on your boyfriends" Dana said "Read the comments" I said not looking at Dana "The boys saw this" Dana said "What they did" I said surprised "You didn't know" Dana said I shook my head "They stuck up for you and Zayn saw it" Dana said. I rolled my eyes "Great" I said under my breath I stood up I walked out of the room tears streaming down my face.

Why does everything bad happen to me?

Zayn's POV:

I can't believe Faith cheated on me I didn't do anything wrong to deserve this there was a knock at my door it opened "Hey lad you know that Faith wouldn't cheat on you" Niall said I shrugged "I don't know maybe she would" I said Niall sat down on my bed "Lad Faith is a good person who is loyal to her friends" Niall said "I know that" I said "Then why do you think that she cheated on you" Niall asked "Why do you care" I yelled "Because I think of Faith has my little sister" Niall yelled "Whatever get out" I yelled pointing at my door. Niall walked out "Just think about how Faith feels" Niall said closing the door behind him I called Faith "Hello... Hey Faith... Nothing much just my room thinking the thing that I saw Twitter a few minutes ago... How do I know that... No I'm fighting with you I can't fight this you anymore... I'm saying that we should break up... Yeah I know that we didn't date for long but-... Bye" I hung up the phone I ran my hands through my hair.

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