Chapter 1

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Dana's POV

Today is the same old usually day go to the studio record photo shoot and interviews. I wish something fun would happen today my closest friend Faith is on tour with some boy band named 5 seconds of summer.

I walked into the studio with a fake smile because doing the same thing can get boring really fast real quick. I walked into Simon office "Hey Simon do you have anything new for me today or no" I asked Simon who is sitting at his desk with a bored expression his face. He slowly looked up at me and signed "No I don't but when I will let you know if I have something new for you do to" Simon said I nodded and I walked out of his office.

I was walking down the hall when someone bumped into me "Hey watch where you're going" I said "Sorry I wasn't paying attention" a voice said it sounded familiar but I don't know where I heard it from. I walked into my recording room "Hey Matthew" I said. Matthew is a my producer "Hey Dana you ready to start your new album today" Matthew asked "Let's just get this done and over with" I said. I walked inside the recording room and put on the headphones.

I finished recording and now it was time for my photo shoot when I got to the room where the five boys all taking their photos I have to say they are cute. I waited for the five boys to have their photo shoot done after they were done they walked right past me "Hey" one of them said he had cruly brown hair and bright green eyes "Ummm... Hi" I said. After photo shoot ended I walked into the hallway the five boys were standing there just looking around.

My phone started ringing I answered it "Hello... Hey Faith... Good how's the tour going... That's great... When are you coming home... In a few weeks awesome I can't wait see you then... Bye" I hang up. I drove home and walked inside this place sure is lonely without my awesome roommate Faith around.

Harry's POV

I walked into Simon's office "Hey Simon how come you didn't tell us that Dana Turner was working here I'm one of her biggest fans" I said "Well Harry don't just walk here asking questions like that" Simon said "Sorry Simon" I said. "Look Harry the reason why I don't tell anyone that we have a new star working here is because everyone goes crazy" Simon said. "Okay but why didn't you tell me and the boys you know that we won't crazy" I said slamming my hands on his desk out of angry. "Harry calm down there is no need for you to act like this" Simom said "Whatever it would have been nice for you to tell us then for us finding out after our photo shoot" I said my voice slowly starting to rise.

I stormed out of Simon's office and bumped into Zayn "Oh mate what's matter you with" Zayn asked grabbing my shoulders "Nothing I'm just angry because Simon didn't tell me that my favorite singer Dana works here" I said. Zayn rolled his eyes "Mate if you had listened to the reason behind it then you would understand" Zayn said. I rolled my eyes and walked away I don't need this. I drove home and walked inside slamming my bedroom door why I'm acting like this like a teenage spoiled girl who doesn't get her way.

There was a knock at my door I stood up and answered it "Liam come in" I said Liam walked inside. I told Liam eveything that happened today and he told me the same thing that Zayn told me but of course I knew that he would say something like that. Liam was done talking to me he was about leave when he turned around "Hey lad don't worked up over something like this come downstairs and hang out with us" Liam said and with that he left. Liam is right I shouldn't be so worked up over this.
The boys and I were hanging out having fun, laughing "So Harry why did you get so worked anyways" Louis asked "Because Dana is my celebrity crush I wish I knew that she was working at our studio" I said. Suddenly there was a knock at the door all exchanged looks with each other Niall got up and answered the door "Ummm... Hi my car broke down I called someone to pick me up they are going to an half an hour or so I can stay here until they come" A girl said "Hmm... Yeah sure you can you look cold why don't I make you some hot chocolate" Niall said. My mouth fell open no way Dana the Dana is standing in our doorway right now shivering, I grabbed a blanket while Niall is making the hot chocolate.

Dana just sat there quiet she is really shy I guess. I looked around the room then down at my hands "Harry lad are you okay" Zayn asked "Yeah I'm fine why do you ask" I asked. "Well because you look really nervous" Niall said "Why would I be nervous I mean minus the fact I'm sitting in front if my favorite female singer" I said. I looked at Dana her eyes grew wide and her cheeks turned red "I'm your favorite female singer I'm sorry but who are you guys" Dana asked what she has never heard of us "We are One Direction I'm Harry Styles, this is Louis Tomlinson, sitting next to you is Zayn Malik, to the right of you is Liam Payne and the blonde one is Niall Horan" I said "Oh well nice to meet you guys" Dana said.

Dana and the boys were talking when her phone started ringing we all looked at the screen, and saw a picture of a girl jet black hair and bright blue eyes the name said Faith wait she is friends with Faith Smith Zayn's favorite female singer. She answered walking outside "Wow I can't believe that my favorite female celebrity crush is in our house right now" I said "I can't believe that she is friends with Faith the most quiet person on the planet" Louis said "And how do you know that" I asked "I'm friends with her she is so cool she introduced me to Dana once but I don't think she remembers" Louis said. Dana was done talking on the phone and was getting ready to leave "So huh Dana who is coming to get you anyways" I asked please don't say boyfriend "Oh my boyfriend" Dana said. Right there it felt like my heart broke into a million little pieces but I might still have chance there has to be a way to break them up and I will figure it out.

(A/N First Harry story ever I'm a Zayn girl so we will see how this goes.

First chapter went okay but what will Harry plan to do and how will he break up Dana and her boyfriend

Hopefully all you Harry girls out there keep reading and enjoy the story

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