Your Eyes

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The next day Jotaro went to school early, he didn't sleep at all, but didn't feel the need to sleep. He just wanted to get out of the house, and since it was already 6:30 and school started at 8:00 he had plenty of time to relax in the library and read a book. He got ready before Holly got up on purpose, he didn't want to bother her, but halfway through he left a note just in case she worried about him. He hoped that Kakyoin would come at 7:00 so he had someone to talk to before those bitches came. He hated those girls so much. To be perfectly honest he could beat every single one of them up, but he didn't want to get into any legal trouble. 

At the library he picked up a random book, he decided to go with one in English, he needed to work on it anyways. It was more than rusty. It was one that he heard before, A Catcher In The Rye. It wasn't too interesting, but it was interesting enough to where he payed attention to it. He looked at the watch on his wrist after reading the book for a little while. It read 7:04. At this point he figured Kakyoin wasn't coming. He kept reading the book, sighing. He sort of missed Kakyoin. Even though he had embarrassed him yesterday, Jotaro was still quite fond of the cherry boy. 10 minutes or so had passed and he heard Kakyoin's voice, it was a low hum of a tune that Jotaro didn't know. Kakyoin stopped 4 feet away from Jotaro's reading spot. 

"I saw you in here, what's up? Why are ya here so early," Kakyoin said, with obvious happiness. Jotaro thought that something good must have happened, but in reality Kakyoin was just happy to get some alone time with him.

Jotaro shrugged, "I don't know, just bored," he said bluntly. He wasn't very talkative in the morning, even to Kakyoin. "Want to come sit with me?" He asked. Kakyoin nodded, and opened his bag. He pulled out a pencil and a sketchbook.

"I don't feel like reading much, so I'll just draw if that's alright," Kakyoin stated. Jotaro gave a grunt of approval. Or at least Kakyoin thought it was approval. When you're dealing with a man baby it's hard to tell. The boy started sketching away, almost like he knew exactly what he was drawing. He looked so focus that Jotaro didn't want to start a conversation. He glanced over at what Kakyoin was drawing, and noticed that he was drawing a picture that looked sort of like him. Jotaro blushed a bit, and continued reading his book. Kakyoin was making him look prettier than he actually was. Or at least prettier than Jotaro thinks of himself.

"Is that what he actually thinks I look like?" He thought. He buried his head into his book. He didn't even want to look at him, his heart was pounding and he didn't know why. He hated when he felt like this around Kakyoin, it made him so confused and angry, it's one thing in his room in the comfort of his home, but when he's right next to the guy that.....he..though that...he kinda maybe sort of...likes.. it's completely different. Or maybe it wasn't a thought? No. He couldn't think like that, and Kakyoin didn't like him anyways...right? He decided to make his brain shut up. No more thinking for today, he's done enough already.

After a while, class started and they went on to their classes as usual. In the classes that they were in together, they always said hi, which caused quite the stir among the girls. They were all whispering to each other. 

'Shit.' Jotaro thought. He didn't want people getting the wrong idea. That would be too embarrassing for even him to bear.  A delinquent in love with a loner? Let alone, a boy  loner. He hoped to God that they were just jealous of Kakyoin being able to hang out with him. Kakyoin, on the other hand was triumphant. A girl jealous of him for hanging out with Jotaro? Ha. He really had the upper hand here. He could honestly get used to this. The entire class, he felt like a king and those girls were jealous commoners. He frowned when he noticed Jotaro was a bit uncomfortable with the whispers.

After their classes it was lunch. Jotaro invited Kakyoin to sit on the rooftop with him. He was quite hesitant though, seeing as last time he was up here he got beaten up. Kakyoin seemed just fine though. Jotaro sat down in his usual spot, and just enjoyed his mother's cooking. He was quite reluctant to tell her, but he loved Holly's cooking, and figured no one else in the entire world could make food as good as her.

"Hey, why don't you unbutton your jacket, it's quite warm out," he said, about to take a bite of some rice. Kakyoin stopped talking for a second. He just sat there unresponsive for a hot minute.

"I don't know, I prefer long sleeves, I don't like showing skin," Kakyoin said. Jotaro frowned. He stayed silent for most of the rest of that lunch period. Why would Kakyoin of all people be insecure? He was beautiful. In Jotaro's opinion, the boy looked better than himself.

-Time Skip To The End Of The Day-

After a long day for both Kakyoin and Jotaro, it was finally time to mind their own fucking business and take a break. Kakyoin reached into his locker and to his surprise.

He found a love letter.


Yes. Yes I did just leave you on a cliffhanger. Do I feel bad? Not really. Sorry not sorry. 😎🖕

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