You're Too Pretty To Be Real

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'A love letter? Huh?!' Kakyoin thought to himself. He blushed deeply. He gulped and then eventually gathered up the courage to open it.

It read:

Hello Kakyoin-kun,

I'm sorry if this is a bit unexpected but could you come to the Cherry Tree behind the school? Meet me there at 4:00, if you come.

-signed your secret admirer 

A scribbled heart was drawn at the bottom of the paper. He frowned, it wasn't Jotaro, he didn't write like this. But what was he even thinking? Jotaro would never write him something like this. Jotaro doesn't love him... he decided to go anyways. Maybe if a girl liked him, he'd feel better about himself. He shook off that feeling an decided to be confident. He checked the time: 3:50. He walked to the Cherry Tree, leaving the note in his locker. 

When he got there, to his dismay, instead of being met with a girl, it was 2 delinquents. The same ones who had beat him up on the first day he spoke to Jotaro. They smiled a horrible, twisted smile. One of them was holding a bat. Kakyoin was horrified. He stood there, paralyzed, as they came towards him. When he regained control over himself he tried to run, but it was too late. They grabbed him by the tail of his coat and yanked him back. Kakyoin wasn't strong enough to beat them. His heart dropped as he knew that Jotaro wouldn't be here to save him. He was alone.

"I bet you were expecting your 'Darling Jotaro' to save you?" A blonde one said, "Well he's not here now, is he, no ones here for you." The blonde boy stomped his boot right into Kakyoin's stomach, making him turn over and cry out in pain. "Gay weirdo,". Tears formed in his eyes. "Oh you're crying? That just makes me want to hit you more," the blonde snickered. Kakyoin tried to get up, but another boy, this one with brown hair, kicked him every time. The red-head prayed for someone to save him, but they never did. The delinquents just kept punching or kicking him, until they got sick of it.

 Twenty minutes felt like an hour. Kakyoin was left bleeding. The delinquents left, giving him one last message: the middle finger. The boy felt hurt, more mentally than physically. He just got the rest of his things from his locker and walked home. It felt like the longest walk home of his life. 

As soon as he opened the door to his house, his mother was gone. Of course she was. She was probably out drinking. Again. A cigarette smell hit his nose when he passed the kitchen. He hated that smell. He didn't even have enough energy to cry. He stood up, not bothering to clean up his wounds, there was no purpose. He got them so often to where it wasn't a surprise anymore. He had already done it to himself more times than he could count. He hated humanity. He hated everything. Most of all, he hated himself. He walked to the bathroom and looked into the mirror. He has a horrible black eye and there was blood running from his nose. 

He locked himself into the bathroom for an hour, he sat in the bath, and just stayed there. It stung his skin, where all of his injuries were. Maybe he should just stay here. Where no one could hurt him.

-The Next Day-

Jotaro noticed first thing that Kakyoin wasn't at school. He doubted that such a smart kid would be late, but he let it slide. He hoped that the red-head would come sooner or later. That was his mindset most of the morning, lunch is when he started to worry. He thought back to their previous interaction in the rooftop... he ran down the stairs to the first floor, through the courtyard, and out the front gate.  He sprinted down the block, he remembered exactly where Kakyoin's place was. He panted as he knocked on the door. A few seconds later a familiar voice answered.

"If you're looking for my mom, she's not—" Kakyoin said opening the door. He realized who it was mid sentence. Both of them stood frozen.

"W-what happened to you?" Jotaro said worriedly. Kakyoin stood silent. "I said, who did this to you!?" Jotaro said, now agitated. Kakyoin was a little taken aback by his reaction. He took a deep breath.

"The same guys who were beating me up on the rooftop that day...." Kakyoin said. He went silent. Jotaro stood for a minute but turned to beat their asses. 

Kakyoin grabbed his arm before he could take off. He was looking down, seemingly ashamed. He  shook his head slowly. Jotaro stood there, Kakyoin took his hand off of Jotaro's sleeve. Jotaro hugged him for a hot minute. He was crying, and then Kakyoin started crying, solely because this was the first time that someone genuinely cared about him this much. When was the last time someone cried for  him? He couldn't even remember. It was like a dream. Jotaro Kujo, out of any other person in the world was in his arms right now. Kakyoin blushed deeply, despite the situation, tears stinging his eyes. 

"Come in," Kakyoin said sniffling. 

"Okay, but that did NOT happen," Jotaro said, a bit embarrassed.

"Yeah, okay," Kakyoin smiled softly.

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