Chapter 13

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An entire month has passed by, it was now the end of June and the weather was hot. Yesterday it reached 98 degrees and tomorrow it will reach 100 degrees. Michael has still been mysteriously disappearing, Anthony has tried to take me out into the meadows again but I refuse him every time, since his little scare last month I have found it hard to even be near him. Thursday morning Anthony knocked on my door asking his now routine question.
"Are you going to join me today Lynn?" Every morning he asked and every morning I answer.
"No." Then he leaves and doesn't come back, all afternoon. But with me staying home I have had a lot of time to think about things and something that bothers me is where Michael disappears to every other morning. Anthony always says he's visiting a friend or looking at apartments, but I don't believe him he doesn't have enough "old friends" to see and if he was looking at apartments by now he should have showed me some that he likes and go over the expense and finance of the place. I needed to confront Michael about it and get an answer to my questions. As if on cue the door opens and Michael walks in calling my name. It was one o'clock already, I took a deep breath preparing myself for the confrontation.
"Hey Lynn, I see you didn't go with Anthony again today." Michael said grabbing a cookie off the tray, I didn't say anything I only starred at him, he stopped munching on his cookie and gave me a confused look.
"Is every thing ok? You look a little pale." He came over and put his hand on my forehead.
"Where have you been?" I asked him, he looked down at me going through his brain to find the right answer.
"Did Anthony not tell you?" He said, I glared at him.
"No he does tell me, every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday he tells me. It's always the same. He's with an old friend, he's looking at apartments, he's getting breakfast or he's on a walk. You can't continue to try and fool me I know he's lying covering for your ass! Now tell me where you really are at!" Michael glared down at me we both have a death glare that send chills down people's spine it's a complete look of stubborn and annoyance.
"I don't have to tell you anything." He spat out then walked away, in my rage I was clenching my fist and getting ready to yell at him more, when I saw him limping. Every time he took a step with his leg it faltered.
"What happened to your leg?" I was concerned but still angry so the question sounded more annoyed then concern. He ignored me he was walking into his room I went after him.
"Michael what happened?!" I said bursting into his room to see him laying down on his bed. His arm was draped over his eyes blocking out the light, again he ignored me, in my blind rage I stomped over to his grabbed a pillow and hit him with it.
"What the hell Lynn! Why can't you just leave me alone!" He screamed in my face. I ignored his question and yelled back at him.
"Why can't you tell me what the hell happened to your leg!" I retorted back, he stood up to his full height trying to intimidate me with his towering frame but I wasn't going to have it, I stood as tall as my 5'5 frame would let me and stuck my chin out.
"It's none of your concern." He grumble then flopped on his bed sticking in his head phones and shutting me out. My blood was boiling in anger as I walked out slamming his door, I saw Anthony in the kitchen looking startled I walked passed him slamming my door in the process. For the rest of the day I stayed locked up in my room, Anthony tried many times to get us to come out but it didn't work.
The next morning it was awkward silence as we ate our breakfast, I would angrily stab my pancakes and Michael would slam his drink on the table, poor Anthony sat in between us watching us act like five year olds. Anthony then cleared his throat.
"It's really hot today, the news said it should reach 100 degrees by this afternoon." No one responded.
"I was thinking we could go to the beach." He suggested. I hated the beach, guys showing off their muscles and girls in skimpy bikinis.
"Sounds great I'll get the car prepared." Michael said getting up leaving his plate he knew that drives me up a wall when people leave their mess on the table, I gripped my fork in my fist.
"Does that sound good to you Lynn?" Anthony asked resting his hand on top my fisted one, he began to loosen my death hold on the price of silver ware slowly running and prying my fingers off it.
"You can invite that red head friend of yours, McKenna I think." I nodded my head that was a great idea. I set the fork and my plate in the sink and Anthony brought over his and Michael's, we didn't say anything as we cleaned the dishes it was silent which I didn't mind. After that I called McKenna almost begging her to come with us she agreed and would be here before we left.
The car ride to the beach wasn't as terrible as I thought it would be, McKenna and I sat in the front while the guys say in the back. Conversation wasn't a problem with McKenna in the car she talked to everyone about everything there wasn't an awkward moment of silence. The drive to the beach would take about an hour and when we got there it looked busy, it seemed the whole state had come here to cool off. Once I turned off the air conditioner and stepped out of the car I felt like I was melting already, the humidity and sun rays beating down on us was causing us to sweat.
"We need to find a place to sit, somewhere shady and cool." McKenna said fanning herself off with her hand. Michael and Anthony grabbed the chairs and ice coolers with our drinks in them and McKenna and I grabbed the towels and the food basket. It took awhile to find the right spot that was farther away from the crowded and had good shade. We decided on a spot that has a tree hanging down giving us perfect shade. We set the towels and spread the blankets, Michael immediately took off his shirt drawing attention to him by the whole female population here. McKenna was one of the many girls ogling at his muscles, Michael smirked he knew the effect he has on girls and by the way he would "accidentally" flex his muscles when he bent down or picked something up I knew he was enjoying the attention.
"Hey Anthony, want to throw a little?" Michael asked pulling out a foot ball Anthony nodded and jumped up pulling off his shirt as well. I have never felt like such a hypocrite until this moment, I was now starring at Anthony's well toned muscles along with the other girls, some girls next to us were giggling trying to get their attention I turned my head to see that the girls were barley even wearing clothes it looked like they picked a stripped of cloth and tied it around their chest. I glared at them and so did McKenna with the both of us giving them death glares they turned their heads the other way as I looked back at the boys I saw Anthony smirking at me. My mind realized he saw the exchange between me and the other girls, my face turned red and became hot, I covered my cheeks with my hands causing him to laugh at my embarrassment. We watched the guys throw the football around for awhile but that was getting boring.
"Do you want to sun bathe with me?" McKenna suggested I agreed needing a good tan, we took our towels and laid them in the sun, McKenna took of her shorts and tank top revealing her smooth creamy skin, she was blessed to have long legs and a flat stomach with also the curvy figure she had on her pretty purple bikini that helped show off her curves. I on the other hand wore Tankini, I wasn't as comfortable with my body as she was, I wasn't fat but I wasn't the worlds definition of skinny, and I had scars from my past relationship. That's the main reason why I wear a tankini I had a big long scar that started at the top of my left breast, it curved down into the valley between my breast and ended under my right breast, he had a bottle and was drunk I also have little scars along my torso from him. They were ugly, they made me feel ugly, they were permanent reminders of the horrors I've experienced. But I have to deal with them I have learned to.
Every fifteen minutes we rotated from or backs and fronts, after that we ate and talked a little. We were looking for the guys we hadn't seen them since we went to tan, we look over by the volleyball nets and snow cone shack but they were no where to be seen. We were about to give up and go back to our spot when we saw them flirting with the skimpy girls that were giggling at them early today, there was one talking to Michael who had pretty black hair and had a beautiful golden tan and very skinny, I looked over at McKenna and she looked like she was about to blow her top off, my eyes then looked over at Anthony, he was talking to a girl with long auburn hair braided off to the side, she was tall and thin with the famous thigh gap that every girl wants, from here I could see she had straight rows of perfect white teeth and a bikini that in my opinion made it look like her boobs were going to fly out of the material he must have said something funny because she began to laugh and put a hand on his arm. I looked down at myself, short, hiding myself, no thigh gap or big boobs. I felt depressed and sorrowful, I was just going to turn around and walk back to our spot when McKenna grabbed my arm and marched over to the boys. She was grumbling to herself about how selfish and idiotic they are, she walked right up to Michael and tapped him on the shoulder he turned around and was about to say something when she stood on her tip toes and began to kiss him, she wrapped her arms around his neck and made the kiss deeper, Michael defiantly wasn't expecting that and was stunned for a second before he kissed her back, I was not expecting that. The girl he was talking to had walked away and her friends were giving her the death glare, Anthony turned to me as if telling me it's my turn to kiss him, I blushed but instead of kissing him I reached up and grabbed his ear pulling him away from the girls.
"Well your no fun." He laughed as we walked back to the blankets. I wasn't amused at all, he stopped walking and stood in front of me gripping my shoulders.
"What's the matter Lynn? We were only talking." He said.
"No you were flirting." I pointed out. "Besides I wasn't going to do anything it was McKenna's idea to walk over I was just backing her up." I grumbled. I looked over at them and they now just looking at each other, I sighed and looked back at him.
"Well you must have cared a little bit, right?" He asked, he sounded hopeful I knew he wanted me to say I did care that I like him, my heart wanted to but my brain refuses to let my heart speak.
"No, I don't." I whispered, looking past him.
"Well now I know your lying." He spoke softly bring his hand up and resting it on my cheek. How I wish my mind would let me be happy again.

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