Chapter 24

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I could feel a pounding on my skull, it wasn't like a dull ache it felt like someone was pounding a freakin hammer on my head. I had an ache in my neck, I twisted my neck sideways trying to get it to pop. I went to reach my hand up to rub away the tension and knots in my shoulder but found I wasn't able too. Confused I tried it again, my hands were bound behind my back. My eyes immediately opened, I was blinded by the light streamed through a nearby window. I momentarily closed and reopened my eyes again. I looked around the room, I was sitting the middle of a boring white room, the walls and ceilings were white, the carpet was also white it looks like it's never been touched by humans. There was a small bed in a corner to the left with white wood and white sheets. My fear was bubbling up inside of me, events from the other night hitting me hard. Scott attacking me, the gun, Anthony, Michael being shot. I wiped my watery eyes on my clothed shoulder refusing to cry. I needed to be strong. Just then I heard the jingle of keys and the door squeak open, Scott's face appeared with a sadistic smile. He grabbed a pure white chair from the corner and dragged it till it was sitting in front of me. He leaned his elbows on his knees leaning his head closer to mine. He just starred into my eyes, he didn't speak, he barley even breathed. He reached his hand and rubbed his knuckled along my cheek and jaw line.
"I bet your head hurts like a bitch right now." He spoke softly, almost in a whisper. I didn't answer him, just looked right back at him. He chuckled humorously then got out of his seat and walked somewhere behind me.
"There's no reason to make this difficult." He said, as he walked back up to me holding two pills and a glass of water in his hands. He lifted the two pills to my lips but I kept them shut.
"They're just some Advil. To take away the pain." He said annoyed, I looked down and saw the blue liquid pill with Advil written across it. Reluctantly I took the two pills. He watched me swallow them.
"There. That's better." He said pushing a piece of hair out of my eyes. His eyes soon turned cold and stone like. His hand that was near my cheek suddenly pulled back and came down on my face. The impact was so great it rocked the chair back and forth, and with one more stingy slap the chair fell over, my head was turned to the side and as I fell my nose came in contact with the carpet, he got up and left, making sure to lock the door. I watched as blood streamed out my nose onto the once pure carpet. The red and white were a definite contrast, he wanted to leave his mark.
Anthony's P. O. V.
I was pacing around Michael's hospital room. It's been almost a week and police haven't even found a trace of them. Michael has gone into a state of depression, barley talking and hardly eating. He just lays in his bed and stares out the window. I on the other hand have taken a more violent response. I yell and curse at the stupidity of the police men. All I do is grumble and rage, I know they are doing all they can but its not enough. They just disappeared, no one saw them he didn't leave a trace of where they could have gone. It was breaking us knowing we didn't and couldn't do anything. Michael was suppose to be bed ridden fur at least another week and because technically I am off duty right now they won't listen to me or let me help.
"Those little son of a bitches." I growled out.
"That little bastard." I said with all the hate I was feeling right now.
"Where could they have gone? He couldn't have left the city, let alone the state. He has to be here." I said talking to myself.
"Do you know anyplace that's significant to them? Like somewhere that's special or something to them?" I asked turning to Michael, all he did was look out the window. A low almost animalistic sound emitted within me, I stomped up to Michael grabbed his face in my hand.
"Will you just listen! Sitting here not talking or eating isn't going to help her! What's going to help her is you helping us! Get out of your pity party!" I shouted at him, his facial expression showed anger and annoyance, but his eyes showed fear and sadness, they reflected mine own, I sighed and sat defeated on the bed. Both our heads turns as the door was swung open and the little red head McKenna walked in with red, puffy eyes. She's been here everyday at the same time with something to eat for Michael. She set the food next to him and walked over to the chair she normally sits in. It was silent.
"The apartment." Michael suddenly said.
"What?" I asked.
"The apartment him and Lynn bought together. That's where they are. He started the abuse there and he's going to finish it there." As realization dawned on us, the feeling of excitement and achievement over took us. The second the police came in to inform us of any knew news we bombarded them. We got the little bastard now, hold on Lynn we're coming.

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