Chapter 19

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Michael had came home sometime in the early morning, I had fallen asleep in Anthony's arms and was woken up when I felt him shift underneath me. He gently laid my head on a pillow and walked out my room to go confront Michael, I could hear them whispering angrily at each other Michael defending himself and Anthony defending me. At one point I could hear their footstep stomping to my room and my door was pushed open, I didn't open my eyes I was too scared to see Michael's angry expression.
"You should have seen her Mike, she was a complete wreck needing someone, needing you. You are her only family left and you crushed her when you stormed out." Anthony said softy, I heard the soft padding of feet walking across my carpet to my bed, the bed dipped down and a soft hand caressed my cheek.
"I wasn't angry at her." Michael said. "I was angry at myself, for not being there and being smart enough to know he would go after her." He confessed. "I left her when she needed me most, I left my baby sister for years to fend for herself and to get over the trauma that was inflicted on her. I don't know how I can forgive myself." Michael was holding back the sob that was trying to escape, I finally made myself known to him and wrapped my arms around his neck from behind.
"It's ok, cause you're here now, you can be with me now." I said kissing his temple. It was one emotional day, filled with tears and confessions. Hopefully in the future we can avoid situations like this.

Because of my broken wrist I now had to have help at the store, with just McKenna and I before we couldn't lift the heavy stuff now it would be even harder, so we came up with a plan, in the mornings till lunch Anthony would be at the store helping and keeping an eye on things, then after his physical therapy Michael would come for the rest of the day. It was actually nice having some manly help around the store, I would have Anthony put the dog food on the top shelf, and he wouldn't even break a sweat. I had Michael fill a tub of water then had him carry it to the back so we could clean out the cages and some of the animals, other than the water spilled on him he didn't break a sweat. And the best thing is they are free labor.
"Hey Lynn! Where do you want the extra bags of cat food?" Anthony yelled from the storage room.
"Top shelf!" I yelled back from my office. Since this last month my little store has grown quite popular, when I first opened I would get about 100 people a month buying little things here and there but recently I've been getting almost 100 people a week! I had to order in a new shipment of food and tree shavings to cover the floor of cages.
"Lynn, you are requested in the front." McKenna said, it wasn't often I got called to the front usually it was for a question that McKenna couldn't answer, or wondering when a new shipment of toys will come. As I walked out I saw the little black haired, blue eyed girl holding her mothers hand. I smiled bright and greeted them.
"Hello Stella, what can I do for you today?" I said slightly kneeling down, her thumb was in her mouth and she wouldn't talk, she looked sad.
"Our little kitty is sick." The mother told me. "And we just need some medicine to help her." She explained.
"Well it depends what is wrong with her?" I asked, if I give her the wrong type of medication to give to the cat then it could make the symptoms worse.
"Well, she isn't eating and when she does it she throws it up and all she is doing lately is sleep, which is unnatural for her." She explained.
"Have you taken her to the vet?" I asked.
"Yes we have." She sighed. "They said it would blow over but it hasn't." After some more talking and getting more information I was able to conclude that the cat might have been infected with a type of worm, I suggested a new vet to go to, one that has served the animals in my store before. They said their goodbyes and left.
"Michael called, he won't be able to come tonight, his therapist doesn't want him putting anymore strain on his led today." Anthony informed me.
"So it will just be you and I." He grinned.
After McKenna left, the store got quiet, usually when Michael's here we find something to play or talk about but with Anthony conversation just didn't come as easy. Anthony reached behind him and pulled out a stack of Uno cards.
"Wanna play?" He asked with a wide grin showing his perfect teeth. Uno was my favorite card game, I could ways whip my family in a game and win every time.
"Of course! But I have to tell you I'm. Pro at it." I laughed scooting closer to the table.
"Well this should be interesting cause I've never lost a game." He laid out our cards and we began to play. The top card was a yellow 2, and the competition between us was getting tense, we both had a two cards left and it was Anthony's turn he was looking at me with a smirk on his face as he planned out how he would win. He picked up his card and set down a blue 2.
"Uno." He said confidently. I couldn't wait to wipe his smug grin off his face, with the same smirk I took my card and placed a blue 4.
"Uno." I said leaning back in my chair, he seemed to ponder his next decision, rubbing his hand over the hair on his jaw. He made a decision and grabbed a card from the pile, he regretted it when my smile widened and I threw down my last card. A red 4.
"I win! Ha!" I exclaimed as I jumped around and did a happy dance.
"Enjoy it while it last Cassel." He playfully said. "You just got lucky that's all." He challenged me, I could see it in his eyes, my eyes squinted at him.
"Fine, we will see. Lay out some more cards and let's play again." We played five rounds and I won four of them.
"Well I either am as good as I think I am or luck just likes me." I teased.
"Well I wasn't going to tell you this but......I let you win." Anthony shrugged giving me a mischievous look, my lips pursed.
"You did not you little liar. I won because I am the best." I said putting my hands one hips.
"Sure, you just keep thinking that." He winked at me, he was provoking me. I walked up to him and put my hands on the armrest of the chair he was sitting in and leaned closer.
"You just can't admit you lost to a girl. Can you?" I accused him. He seemed happy with the predicament I got myself into, I didn't know how close we were till I felt they air coming out of his nose.
"No I admit when I've been beaten, and you little miss, did not beat me." He said leaning closer to me, but I didn't move back.
My heart fluttered as I saw his eyes cast down to my lips then back up to my eyes, the playful atmosphere diminished and what was left was a steamy situation, one that I wanted to see the outcome. We got closer, I was growing impatient wanting to just feel his lips with mine, one of us jut needed to nudge our head and we would kiss, as Anthony was about to nudge closer the fire alarm went off scaring us apart, the sprinklers overhead turned on drenching our clothes in minutes, Anthony grabbed my hand and pulled me outside, I looked up but there was no smoke or bright flame coming from the building. All I could see was a dark shadow being illuminated by the car lights. My cellphone suddenly dinged in my pocket.
*The next time it won't be a false alarm.*

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