Chapter 2

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I looked in the mirror going through my memories, they are all bad there is no room for good ones anymore. I was thinking about when I freed myself from his clutches how after he did the horrible thing to me I ran, I drove to my older brothers house he lived about an hour away from me but I got there in 40 minutes with the speed I was going at. It was past twelve o'clock when I knocked on Michael's door, it was cold and I was shivering the tears that lingered on my face felt frozen on my cheeks, when he opened the door he seemed confused and looked grumpy from being woke up, but after he saw my red and wet cheeks with the black and purple marks that were scattered all over my skin, he embraced me. He let me cry into his chest till the early morning when the sun began to peak over the mountains, I remember that he made me a cup of tea with two spoonfuls of honey, the hot liquid that ran down my throat eased the soreness from crying. He then talked to me in such a soft and caring voice he told me that he loved me and that I could trust him, I kept my secrets in for so long they just seemed to burst out of me, I told him how he would beat me, how he began to drink the proof was on my body then I told him of the awful thing he had just done to me, I told him of my fears, what I was afraid of and who I was afraid of, he assumed I was talking about my now ex-boyfriend but I was talking about myself. I was scared that I would crawl back to him that I would let him continue his torment on me, but I was mainly scared of the darkness that I knew would consume me how I wouldn't be able to fight it off. Michael assured me that he would never let that happen as long as he was with me I wouldn't go back into the dark. And I didn't for a whole year I was truly happy. I got special therapy and counseling for my issues, Michael and I grew even more closer I started college and was getting my masters degree in business and a minor degree in health and wellness. But then Michael wanted to do something more with his life make something out of himself so he enlisted into the military he left me at the age of 19 he was only 21.
6 years later
I heard my alarm clock go off, I groaned and rolled out of my bed. It was time to start the day, I got up and did my normal routine, shower and use my vanilla scented shampoo and body wash then get dressed for work, I own my own store after four years of schooling and a lot of money saved I created "Lynn's cage" it is a pet shop, I have always had a love for animals so I decided to make my whole career around something I love, it had taken a lot of my time and money but it was worth it. I live in a decent sized town, my shop is in the city where I get the best business and I live more in the country with green fields and wild flowers. I have a small one story house, it had that old English vintage feel that I just love. As I walked into my store I heard the birds chirping and the puppies barking at me for a welcome. I walked over to the puppies kennel it had five little German Shepherds happily wagging their tails begging for the morning meal. As I was filling up their blue dishes I heard the bell over the door jingle, I looked up to see McKenna my employee. McKenna is an 18 year old fresh out of high school girl she has straight red hair beautiful vibrant green eyes and an accent that is every guys dream, she is originally from Ireland but moved over in America when she was 12, she's a very good worker and she is a good friend of mine.
"Hey Lynn, I didn't think you were com'n in today?" She said, I smiled and picked up one of the German Shepherd puppies and held him in my arms.
"I wasn't going to but I had nothing left to do so I thought why not. Besides I have work I need to do here." With that I set the puppy down and walked to the back where my office is, for the rest of the morning I paid off taxes and bills and ordered in a new shipment of toys, collars, bird seed and a whole bunch of other stuff, I also put in a order for baby guinea pigs. When I looked at the clock it was past 12:00 o'clock I walked out to see McKenna helping a family purchase one of the German Shepherd puppies. I waved at her to signal I was going to lunch and left. as I was walking to a little diner close to my shop my cell phone began to vibrate signaling a call I looked at the caller ID and what I saw almost made my heart burst with joy. Michael was calling me.

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