Chapter 21

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A total of four months has passed since Scott came back, since Anthony and I "confessed" we like each other and since Michael told me about his injury. I had just gotten my cast taken off my wrist last week, with no sign of Scott. He's been hiding and laying low, we all know he is still here, he's just waiting for the right time. That scared me more, knowing he has a plan. But Michael and Anthony have been good to distract me from my thoughts, they have kept me busy with things to do. Like stuff at the shop and in the yard, after the 4th of July they had me plant a flower garden, I was bitter about it at first but once I saw the flowers growing and blooming I became fascinated with them, every morning I would get up and go pick the weeds that would infest the flower bed, then after lunch I would water them, and in the evening I would sit in a lawn chair and marvel at the beauty the flowers created. But as the weather took a nasty turn the flowers began to wilt, I love October and the feeling it brings but an unexpected freeze happened in the night and in the morning the flowers had a layer of frost covering the soft petals. I gently stroked the fragile flower, the once bright pink petals were turning brown and shriveling up. I could hear someone's feet coming toward me.
"It's cold out here Lynn. Come inside." Anthony's voice was warm sounding it brought a certain feeling to arise inside me.
"Why do the most beautiful things have to die so quickly?" I asked. It was a rhetorical question not meant to be answered. Anthony knelt down next to me and wrapped an arm around my shoulder.
"The reason for the frost is to hide the beauty from the harsh winter, then next summer the flowers will bloom again and become prettier, taller and stronger." He pushed a piece of hair out of my face and lightly kissed my temple.
"Com'on lets go inside." He took my hand and pulled me up with him, he held me to his chest as a gust of wind blew past us. As we walked through the door and into the house I was greeted by the warmth and comfort. We sat down on the couch and I curled up my legs close to my chest and laid my head on Anthony's shoulder, it may sound crazy but we haven't gone any farther other than cuddling and forehead kisses, he's going slow for my sake and I appreciate that. There was steamy tension between us, of course neither of us would admit it, every time we would try to share a real kiss or show more affection someone or something would always interrupt, wether it be Michael and McKenna coming in or a stranger that jut happens to catch us. It is always very embarrassing and very frustrating, as if we were thinking the same thing we both looked at each other, my light blue eyes starring at his brown ones, I've always loved his eyes, the way they sparkle in the sun or shine when he laughs, and the specks of gold that are scattered around just add to the beauty of them. His eyes took a glance of my lips and mine did the same, we leaned in, I knew it was going to be this time, this time it will happen. With his breath fanning my lips we were about to touch, just an inch away....the door suddenly opened penetration the warmth with the icy cold outside. We pulled apart immediately, Anthony glared over my head at the rude intruder.
"Well hello, hello, hello. Did I walk in on something?" Michael teased from the door way. Anthony gave Michael a cold look and all Michael did was laugh. Next thing I know Anthony and Michael were rolling around on the floor wrestling. When they get like this I jut ignore them.
"You completely did that on purpose." Anthony breathed out trying to pin Michael to the floor.
"Did what?" Michael said innocently. They are such kids, I thought.
During the evening Michael usually leaves and takes McKenna out for a date, her parents don't approve of Michael because of the big age difference, but she's nineteen I think she's old enough to make decisions for herself, so she sneaks out most of the time which only gets her into more trouble. But while Michael and McKenna are off doing their own thing Anthony and I go on a walk, we found that is one thing we both enjoy doing, being in nature and having every thing calm and relaxed. We usually walk through the park and get an ice cream, it was our routine. But today Anthony took me down a more secretive path, one that isn't used off and has been forgotten. It was simple with a plane little black road, only big enough for two people to walk side-by-side, the trees lining the edge of the walkway were over grown and thick, and the grass had grown tall. It was peaceful no noise could be heard, there was only us. Suddenly Anthony stopped and he gripped my hand pulling me into him, he was starting down at me with such intense eyes it sent a shiver down my spine, his hands cupped my face and he rubbed his nose against mine.
"There is nothing that can stop us now." He whispered. I could feel his lip touch mine, then it happened. It began to pour rain down on us, we looked up, Anthony heaved out a heavy sigh, but I found it almost romantic. I giggled and spread my arms twirling in the rain. Anthony was just standing there with a grin on his face, I ran up to him and grabbed his hand spinning him with me. We laugh and danced, our hair was sticking to our faces and our clothes drenched. As we were twirling around Anthony tripped and we fell to the ground, but it didn't matter, we laughed the whole way down I pushed the hair out of my eyes and did the same to his. He pulled us up and as I balanced my footing a pair of warm, full lips pressed to mine. His arms wrapped around me enveloping my cold body into a warm comforting embrace. My hands reached up into his wet hair and pulled him closer to me. The kiss felt so perfect, our lips moved in sync in perfect harmony. A throaty moan escaped him and it echoed through out me. We broke away for air but not for too long his lips hungrily devoured mine, I gripped the front of his wet t-shirt as the kiss became more heated. The only thing that broke us apart was a huge clap of thunder. We looked up at each other, him with a big grin on his face and me mirroring his only my face was a little redder than his. His hand rubbed down my arm and interlocked our fingers, after that was walked back home, with the rain still coming down.

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