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"That's Agent L she has been working for us for 10 years. That's her disguise so that when humans see her they won't freak out. She normally use a Neuralyzer and a Tri Barrel Plasma Gun if not that she will use her powers" Agent Z says as he placed his hands into his pockets before looking at you "since you have been involved with alien interaction you will start to work with us. Everything about you on the internet will be erased and no one will remember, Agent L will train you to become a true Man In Black" he says before holding a hand up "Agent L come here" he says as Agent L looks at him before walking over "is there something I can do for you Z?" She asked as he nodded "take (Y/N) and train them to become a MIB and don't forget to give them a suit" he says before walking away.

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