Iron Mans Daughter

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Libby sighs a bit as she rubs the brim of her nose "Dad why did you do that?! Peter was only trying to help out and be a good hero but instead you decided just to take the suit off him

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Libby sighs a bit as she rubs the brim of her nose "Dad why did you do that?! Peter was only trying to help out and be a good hero but instead you decided just to take the suit off him... he found something that would put many people in danger and you just ignored him!" She yells in anger as Tony looks at her slightly "you will understand why I did it when your older Libby but until then be quite" he says as Libby balls her hands up slightly. Tony sits down as he crosses his arms a bit "No! I will not be quite! You did the exact same thing to (Y/N) and I haven't seen them for years! Talk about being a hero when you can't even be a father!" She yells at him before walking off. Tony watched her before looking down slightly "I just want to keep you safe since your the only one I have left..." he mutters before closing his eyes.

~At night~

Libby was looking through one of her books as she sighs a little bit "this is stupid..." she mutters before hearing a knock on her door making her groan "DAD I TOLD YOU I DON'T WANT TO TALK TO YOU!" She yells before standing up as she walks over to the door before opening it as she froze up "(Y-Y/N)..."

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