Alone Au

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(Warning!: Drug use, depressing and heavy self harm. Don't like it don't read it)

Libby looks at the ground as her blood shot red eyes where starting to hurt from her crying all day. She lost everything and everyone. The house that her family was in was broken in and they all died in the most horrific ways you could imagine. The kids where taken away to families that could take care of them. Isabella ended up dying from a patient going crazy and stabbing her with some surgical tools. Ava and Luna where forced out of their home and Luna was taken away by child support making Ava fall into a deep depression before ending her life. Midnight returned back to hell only to be trapped by demons that used her but what hurt her the most was when (Y/N) left her. This broke Libby and she still hasn't gotten over it. It's been a four and a half months since that day and Libby was still broken and didn't seem to be getting any better. She was on heavy medication that she over took to try and make herself feel something anything but nothing worked she was to deep into the depressed.

Libby walks into the chemist to get some more medication after visiting the doctor. She walks over to the front desk before placing the paper on it "Your here again? By god you go through your medicine quickly dear" the lady says grabbing the paper to see what she needed "yeah... I know..." Libby mutters as the lady grabs the medication from the shelves before passing it to Libby "just make sure to take the right amount dear" she says as Libby grabs the five pill bottles before nodding slightly "ok..." she says before turning around as she walks out to go back home. She was walking down the streets before feeling something wet hit her head as she looks up to see the sky covered in dark clouds making her look back down as she pulls her hood up to try and stay dry the best she could. Once she got home she went to the kitchen placing the pill bottles on the counter next to a photo that had her friends and family together at a party. She looks at the photo before grabbing it as she turns it around so she didn't need to look at it anymore. She makes her way to the living room before sitting on the couch as she lifted her jumpers sleeves up to reveal many cuts old and new. She looks up before leaning back as she closes her eyes tightly before hearing a loud bang as lighting cracked across the sky "just kill me already..." Libby mutters as small tears started to run down her face.

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