Im a failure

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Dahlia's P.O.V

Our lips connected and he began to push us backwards.
"Wait, Matt stop." I said trying to pull away
"Shh." He cooed
"No Matt stop. I don't feel good." I said pushing him off and running into the bathroom.
I sat down at the toilet and began to puke my guts out. I felt like my soul was going with it
I felt a presence begin rubbing my back they pulled my hair back and cooed me.
Matts sweet voice made everything better
I got one quick glance at his worried expression and began to puke again.
Maybe he did actually care about me.
Just maybe.
I finally quit puking and huffed hitting my head on the bathroom wall.
"Owwwww." I wined holding my head
Matt giggled and helped me up. After pulling me up he picked me up bridal style and I laid my head on his chest.
I listened to his steady heartbeat.
"I need to brush my teeth." I wined
"Okay." He laughed as he turned us around and walked back to the bathroom.
He let me down and I quickly brushed my teeth.
He picked me up again and I giggled listening to his heart beat again.
"Your hearts beating so fast." I smiled
He smiled and looked at me.
"Your cute." He laughed I blushed and looked back down.
"Matt. Let's go swimming." I smiled
"But you don't feel good." He poked his lip out.
"I'm okay. Pweety Pwease." I pouted
He smiled and nodded
"Guys were going swimming. Get ready if you want to go!" Matt yelled downstairs.
I heard the boys start scurrying around.
I slipped off my shirt as I heard Matt leave.
I had a cute Hollister bikini.
It was blue and on top it had sunflowers.
The bottoms were navy blue thong style because I mean why not?
I quickly slipped on some denim shorts and a white tank top.
"Ready?" Matt asked as he walked in my room.
His hair was down which I wasn't used to seeing and he was shirtless and had on some greenish mint colored swim shorts. He honestly looked really fucking good.
"Yep." I said popping the p
He grabbed my hand and pulled me downstairs.
"So what bathing suit did you wear?" He smiled
"Oh, You'll see." I laughed
We made it outside seeing all the boys already in the pool laughing and talking splashing water everywhere.
Wow maybe I should've wore a different bathing suit.
"Umm guys I'm gonna go change brb." I laughed
"No CMON it'll be fine." Matt whined
"Fine." I groaned
I sat down on the pool chair and looked at Matt cannon ball in.
His head popped back up and he looked at me. He frowned
"CMON don't be a party pooper." He groaned coming over to the edge of the pool propping himself up.
"Fine." I said standing up. I felt like all eyes were on me.
I began to pull my shirt off and took it off seeing all eyes were on me.
I dropped it and unbuttoned my shorts seeing Matt smirk.
I slid them down an threw them behind me.
"Okay I'm sitting down now." I laughed nervously
"No what's the big deal. Dahlia just get in the pool." Matt laughed
"Yeah CMON." I heard the guys say.
I sighed and walked over to the pool.
I got to the steps and everyone was staring at me.
"If you guys don't stop staring at my butt I will slap all of you in the face." I laughed.
I walked into the pool and got used to the water.
Matt swam over to me.
"Damn Dahlia." He said pushing me against the wall. He grabbed my butt with both of his hands.
"Matt not in the pool." I laughed
"Yeah cuz we are here." Cam laughed
"Sorry." Matt grinned
He winked at me and swam off. He went over to Cam and Nash and started laughing looking over at me.
Well I don't know why but I feel embarrassed
I went over to Taylor and the Jacks.
"Hey." I said swimming over
"Hey. Umm why are they pointing over here?" Johnson asked
"I have no idea. But it is kinda pissing me off." I sighed
"This is why I didn't want to swim." I groaned
"Well you do have a great ass in that suit. So." Taylor laughed coming closer to me.
"Taylor!" I laughed slapping his chest playfully.
He kept coming closer to the point where I was now against the wall again.
"What are you doing Tay?" I asked as we stared into each other eyes.
I scanned his face for a couple seconds.
I couldn't find his emotion or any emotion.
"Your so sexy." He said going towards my neck. His put his hands where Matts were earlier.
"Taylor stop." I said trying to push him off.
"Playing hard to get. That's sexy." He said pushing his body against mine.
Wow is no one going to do anything.
"Taylor. Seriously let go!" I said pushing him off.
"DONT FUCKING PUSH ME!" He yelled slapping me straight across the face.
I was shocked I looked down at the water. My hand went up to my cheek as a tear fell out of my eye.
I jumped over the edge of the pool I was at and got out I didn't make eye contact with anyone.
I grabbed my clothes and ran up to my room. I slammed the door and locked it.
I chucked my stuff into the room and threw my self down and began to sob.
"I can't do this." I whispered to myself.
I ran into the bathroom and locked it too.
How many people are gonna slap me while I'm here?
I went behind the toilet and found my blade that I had taped to that spot.
I ripped it off and sat on the floor.
The cold tile floor felt so familiar.
I felt the tears well up in my eyes again.
I put the blade to my thighs.
Was it worth it? I sat it down and looked away.
Maybe it was. No one came to get me.
No one cared as usual.
I picked it back up and sniffled.
I placed it back, I slid the cold blade across my thigh.
It felt like glass to skin contact.
I was all out of tears I felt no pain, happiness, fear. Nothing. That was it, that broke me.
I slid it across my thighs fast and constantly seeing the blood skim down to the floor. The faster I went the deeper it cut.
My legs full of cuts and my wrist began to hurt.
I put it down and smiled at the mess I'd made. Those scars were to deep to go away.
I looked my stomach and instantly hated it.
I sat up and picked the razor back up sliding it across my stomach. Again and again.
After my stomach I noticed more things I hated about myself and cut them too.
My arms were too small, my thighs were to big, my hip bones popped out, my stomach was too big.
I was ugly, imperfect. I hated myself not only for being those things, but for being weak and letting them hit me, for not succeeding in running away, for liking Matthew not that he cares, for being ugly, for even being here, but most of all for actually cutting myself again. I promised myself I wouldn't.
I looked around the bathroom and they had no towels. Of course, now because the floor is filled with blood there's no towels.
I keep setting myself up for failure.
I can't go out there
But my body did the complete opposite.
I got up and unlocked the door, peaking my head out.
Of course there they were all of them sitting there scattered throughout my room.
I saw their heads shoot up as i closed the door and locked it back.
I slid down the wall as the banged and yelled to try to get me out.
"STOP! I'm not coming out. You guys can't see me like this youd be so ashamed. I'm sorry I'm not coming out its a mess in here."
"Dahlia open this damn door! Why's it a mess?!" Matt yelled
"Matt please stop. It's not worth it." I spoke through the door.
"MOVE!" He yelled
"Wh-" I moved right as the door flew in.
I pushed myself in the corner and slid down as all the boys filled the room.
"Oh my god." Whispers and things were sent back and forth throughout the room.
I put my head between my knees.
"Dahlia stand up." Matt whispered
"No Matt please stop." I said staying put.
"GET UP!" He yelled
I begin to cry as I pushed myself up. They all gasped and scanned over my body.
"Dahlia." I heard Nash say. He walked over and pulled me into a hug. I wrapped my arms around his neck.
"I'm sorry." I said into his shoulder.
"You have to stop Dahlia." He spoke Into my shoulder.
I didn't say anything.
I pulled away.
"Can all of you guys leave and let me speak to Matt by myself?" I asked.
He looked so sad.
They all left and I Walked out of the bathroom him slowly following behind me.
We sat there on the bed for minutes, no words. Only thing we could hear was our breathing.
He reached his hand over and wrapped his with mine. I felt a tear fall onto my hand and knew it wasn't mine
"Matt." I said wiping his tears. They began to fall, fast.
I bent down in front of him. He put his head in his hands.
"No, Matt. Look at me please. I'm sorry." I heard his sobs get louder.
I picked his legs up and Laid him back. His eyes were bloodshot and puffy tears streamed down his face.
I sat on his lap and pulled him into a big hug
"Why?" He said his voice cracking.
"Because I'm weak. Your not. Your strong. Don't cry over me, I'm not worth it. I hate seeing you cry. Even though it's only the first time. I'm sorry. This is my fault." He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer.
"Dahlia?" He said into my Chest
"Yes?" I asked as he picked his head up.
"I-I love you."

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