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Dahlia's P.O.V

It's dark for as far as I can see.
My hands are tied, my mouth is muffled with a bandana, and I think my phones gone.

My head hurts, it feels like I've been hit with a hammer straight in the skull about 10 times.
My heart race is increasing the more I think about who took me.
Maybe it was that Crawford kid they were talking about wanted me?
I've met Crawford. He was cool I thought.
So Why me?
Can someone honestly answer me on that one?
I'm guessing I'm alone, I've been awake for what feels like about 30 minutes now, no ones came out and slapped me so I guess their not in here.
What if no one finds me?
What if Matt and the guys don't even look?
They'd look right?
Atleast Matt would I hope.
I thought we were a family?
I guess they just wanted me gone.
I'm not good enough, I never was.
My eyes flickered up towards the darkness seeing a small crack of light getting bigger.
The door creaked as whoever it was quietly shuffled in and closed the door back making it pitch black again.
My heart was beating out of my chest as the anticipation of not knowing was killing me.
"Hello Gorgeous." The voice spoke as the light clicked on.
There stood Crawford the boy I met not too long ago smirking down at me.
He gave a sly grin and bent down to my level.
Lifting my chin up with his finger
"Welcome to your new home." He smiled
I stared into his eyes and I felt a tear fall from my eye.
"Why?" I croaked as he tilted his head evilly pouting his lip.
"Your all I'll ever need Dahlia. Your a beautiful girl. I wanted you ever since I met you. And now look I've got you. And there is nothing anyone will do about it. Your mine now." He smiled growing angrier every sentence.
I looked back down and let the water works flow
He's right.
No one will do anything
I'm here and I'm not gonna be able to leave.
I can only pray Matt loves me enough to look for me.

Matthew's P.O.V (Surprise)
There is no way in hell I will let her go. She's mine I'm not just gonna hand her over.
"NO guys for the last time! She is mine! I will not give her to anyone! She is staying here. Got it?!" I yelled my eyes wide
They all nervously nodded
I blew out hot air and began to walk to her room.
But slammed into the hall door instead making me slip and fall onto the floor.
"Who left the closet door open again?!" I screamed kicking the door and it slammed shut
"No one goes in there dude. Chill out! Maybe Dahlia opened it." Cam half yelled back
Causing my blood to boil
I balled up my fists but let It out.
I can't fight right now.
"Dahlia?" I called walking up the stairs
No answer.
She must be sleeping good.
I chuckled and stopped at her room door.
She's not in her bed
"No." I spoke opening up her bathroom.
"NO." I half yelled
I slammed open her Closet door and nothing
"NO!" I screamed rushing downstairs
"DAMMIT DAMMIT DAMMIT!" I yelled on the edge of crying
I trampled into the kitchen and nope she wasn't there
I ran into the den where all the guys gathered around
Their eyes directed towards me
Tears streaming down my face
"Woah dude what's wrong?" Carter questioned causing all the guys to stand up worried too
I fell on my knees and sobbed
How could I let her go like that?
Did he take her?
No he couldn't of made it in here with all the security systems
"S-She's G-gone." I sobbed ripping my hands through my hair
"Hold up. What do you mean gone?" Nash questioned
"She must've over heard us and left! There is no way he made it in here! I can't believe she's gone! I have to get her back!" I yelled back
Searching for my car keys
Someone yanked my arm back
I came face to face with Cam
"Dude let her go. Maybe it was for the better." He said stepping back
"No! It's not for the better. She's my everything! I'm in love with her Cam! Damnit! I need her! I need her like you need Rachel or like Carter needs Maggie or how Gilinsky needs Madison or even how Taylor needs Molly! I have to get her back you guys here or not!" I yelled running out of the door and slamming my car door.

Dahlia's P.O.V
It's dark again and the longer I sit here the more I wanna die
I need Matthew back
I miss his scent his hugs his laugh
I need him back
I have to get out of here
But I don't know how.
"Here take this." A voice spoke as I picked my head up
It was Crawford again
His voice disgusted me
"What is it?" My voice raspy as he took the bandana off my mouth.
"Water now take it or leave it." He growled
I sighed opening my mouth he chuckled pouring it in.
I swallowed and got a weird taste
"Is this drugged?" I asked
Feeling my head get light
"What made you guess?" He sarcastically laughed untying me from the chair
My eyes became heavy as I was flung over his back
My arms dangled as my eyes shut
What's happening?

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