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Hi; Yeah i'm Y/n's daughter

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Hi; Yeah i'm Y/n's daughter..Aka Daila (Day-luh)...I'm 16 and ik my dad is a petty bitch but whatever...ANYWAY! About ME! I like partying and having fun, no dealing with other peoples bull, and i have 4 big brothers that are overprotective as hell..And my mom was "blessed" with my grandmas genes...FUCK! WHY DID THEY HAVE TO GIVE ME THESE DUMB ASS BIG BROTHERS!...But ANYWHO..My life is somewhat a mess ig.. especially bc i'm not very good at taking in problems and anger...

 especially bc i'm not very good at taking in problems and anger

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ITS ME! Yep. When i was a little girl, my auntie Y/n treated me well and yeah ik i look young buttt...I'm a grown woman😭 But if you didn't notice, I'm the daughter of Derek and Michelle.. And my name is Brooklyn.. I kinda became Y/n's big sister since she almost never has a girl to talk to since her big brothers are always in the way but i'm grown so😭

 I kinda became Y/n's big sister since she almost never has a girl to talk to since her big brothers are always in the way but i'm grown so😭

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Yep...I'm Y/n..Mother of 5 children with a husband that doesn't know how to keep it in his pants..Stress is all i know so im used to it now, but im now worldwide famous AND on runways...life is good...But my children? Ugh..a mess..well..some of them😂

(that's it for the girls..)

(for now)

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