Not everything works out.

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Y/n: This is my girlfriend Mira, Mira this is Tio, an old friend

Tio: Wsg..

(they dab up)

Mira: Wussup..

(Mira gives you a dirty look)

Kobe: Yo Tio wh- Oh hey

Y/n: Hey boutta go walk around..Cmon babe

(Your POV)

As me and Mira were walking around, i put my arm through hers and i hold on to her

???: YOOO Y/N!!!


(he comes up to you)

Chris: Who's this?

Y/n: This is my girlfriend

Mira: Wus good

Chris: Yo, if you would have met old Y/n..ion even think you would speak to her foreal

(you hit him)

Y/n: Shut the fuck up Chris

Mira: Why you say dat?

Chris: Man..she has anger issues but she was quiet and damn how you gon be all three

(Mira laughs)

Y/n: Mira..did you just laugh?

Mira: Yeah why?

Y/n: It's hard for me to make you just smile at me and kiss me when i say something funny

Mira: Because your adorable

(you give her a look)

Chris: Aye, if Tio and Kobe start shit then js call me..

Y/n: Oh trust me, they won't.

Chris: They bet not..

Mira: I'm boutta go get sumn to drink i'll brb

Y/n: Mmkay...

(Mira leaves to get a drink)

Y/n: Chris i-

Chris: You what? You still got feelings for that nigga?

Y/n: Yes but be quiet..your so fucking loud.

Chris: Bro he put you through hella shit and you wanna be with him still? Are you crazy?

Y/n: Chris...don't do this ok?

Chris: Ok i won't..i'm sorry

(he hugs you)

Y/n: Ya know, sometimes i wish i could just hug him and tell him that it's okay and that i still love him but i cant..

Chris: Why cant you?

Y/n: Because i have a fucking girlfriend Chris!

Chris: It's not like your kissing or fucking him or nun

Y/n: Chris your a mess

(y'all laugh)

Y/n: Lemme go find Mira..i'll talk to you later

(y'all hug)

(you walk off and you see some girl talking to her)

(you walk off and you see some girl talking to her)

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