Break me.

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Y/n: I miss you..

Caiden: You just seen me today😂

Y/n: I know but i miss you

Caiden: I miss you too

Y/n: You wanna meet up tonight?

Caiden: I cant..

Y/n: Why?

Caiden: Sorry..i gotta get off the phone..bye

Y/n: K. I love you baby-

Caiden: You too..

(he hangs up)

Y/n: Maybe he's just sleepy...

(you lay down and you fall asleep)


(I got back home along with Jay...we walk in the house to see Y/n on the couch sleep..)

Jay: Daila...

(he started shaking her)

Jay: Daila go to your room

Daila: Hmm?

Jay: Go to sleep

Daila: Can you carry me?

Jay: No get yo ass up

Daila: Jay i don't have time...please?

Dior: I will...

(I picked her up and took her to her room)

(She fell right to sleep and i went in my room just thinking about the fact that i just saw the man that killed my mother...)

(Dailas POV)

(It was 10:00 and i heard noise from the kitchen...)

(I Go there and I see someone crying...)

Y/n: Hello...

???: Holy sound just like her..

Y/n: Sorry...may I ask who you are?

???: Oh i'm a childhood friend..

Y/n: What's your name?

???: I'm Tio..

Y/n: Oh- Wait...are you that dude that has the matching tattoo on my moms arm?

Tio: Yeah...

Y/n: Oh..I'm Daila

Tio: I know...

Y/n: You ok?

Tio: No...i wish i didn't hurt your mom...

Y/n: Yeah...I know..If she wasn't gone would you have ever apologized?

Tio: Ion know..

Y/n: It seems like the second someone dies yall care..that shit pisses me the FUCK OFF!


Daila: Sorry...

Tio: I gotta get going...bye..

(he leaves)

(2 hours later)

(There was several big bangs on the door..)

Police: OPEN UP!

Dior: Um..i'll get it...

(He got the door and-

Police: Exuse me sir..We have gotten a report from your neighbors that there is a minor with no actual parent guardian

Dior: We'll i'm grown and-

Police: No..she needs an actual adult to take care of her..I know your mother passed away but we need to take her somewhere she can have actual adult parents..

Dior: What what?

Police: Sorry sir but we have to take her

Dior: NO! NO!



Police: OK...OK!..I have a suggestion...You guys have 2 choices...

Dior: What are they?!

Police: Either she comes with me to find a new family...or we take your father out of Jail and he takes care of you all...

Jay: Bro..What are we gon do?

Daila: Ion wanna leave you guys...

Andre: And ion want him here...

Dior: We don't have a choice but to let him come home...Mom said stay together...

Andre: Your right..

Dior: He can come back sir...

Police: Ok..he will be here first thing in the morning!

(the police leaves and we just all sit there in silence...)

Dior: I have an idea...We can ask Brooklyn to look out for us occasionally so he won't do anything to harm us ok?

Y/n: Mmkay... How are we gonna tell prince tho?

Andre: I already had a talk with him...

Jay: What he say?

Andre: Nothing...He just sat in silence...

(You get a call from Caiden)

Y/n: Hello?

???: Who the hell is THIS?

Y/n: I'm Y/n-

???: Why the hell are you in Caiden's phone?!

Y/n: Because i'm his girlfriend...

???: Well he didn't tell me we was cheating now...CAIDEN! WHO THE HELL IS THIS Y/N BITCH!

(the phone hangs up and your just in tears)

Dior: What's the matter?

Y/n: He cheated on me...

(you cry and you run upstairs going to sleep from crying so much)

(Dior's POV)

Jay: Bro what the fuck...

Dior: I'll be back

Jay: Yeah me too...let's go

Andre: Can i get the-

Dior: Yean cmon

(We get in the car, driving to Caiden's crib....Once we got they it was a whole bunch of people)

Jay: Damn this party lit as FUCK

Dior: Can you get the strap out the car?

Andre: Bet.

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