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(a month later)

Daila: MA! YOU HOME?!

Kobe: She went out to get groceries

Daila: Oh hey dad..

Kobe: Hey

Daila: Momma texted everyone to come over

Kobe: Yeah i know

Daila: So? What is it about?

Kobe: She miss y'all

Dior: AYYYEEE!!!

Kobe: Wsg D!

Dior: Sup dad!

Daila: Prince and Andre are almost here

Dior: And Jay is just late..as always



Daila: Omg why did i actually miss youuuu

(they all hug)

Andre: Hey dad

Kobe: Wsg

Andre: Where momma at?

Kobe: She at the store

(Prince walks in)

Daila: Hey brother

Prince: Hey

Andre: Wsg lil nigga

(everyone laughs)

Daila: Bro were the fuck is Jay..

(your pov)

I walk in the house seeing everyone sitting on the couch

Y/n: Heyyy babies!

Daila: MOMMYYY!!!

(she jumps on you and hugs you)

Andre: Wsg momma!

(everyone hugs you)

Y/n: I miss yallll!..wait- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5...Where's Jay?

Kobe: He late again

Everyone: As always

Dior: Um..momma..

Y/n: Yes?

Dior: I have an announcement

Y/n: Ok lemme sit down

(you put the bags in the kitchen and you sit down on the couch next to Kobe)

Y/n: Hey babe

Kobe: Hey baby

(yall kiss)

Dior: So um..i met this girl.

Y/n: Oooo..is she cute orrr?

Dior: Momma- now why wouldn't she be

Y/n: What race is she?

Dior: She white momma

Y/n: Oh..ok

(Kobe dabs him up)

Kobe: Mi nigga frl

(you hit kobe's arm really hard)

Y/n: Really?!

(you scoot over)

Daila: Once Kobe always Kobe

Andre: Foreal😭

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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