In memory of you...

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(I woke up at 3am to yelling and it sounded like my mom so of course i went downstairs to see what's going on...)

(i then see my mom and my sperm donor arguing...but they saw me and stopped..)

Y/n: Hey baby...go back to sleep ok?

Dior: No ma..i'm not going back to sleep

(we then all see Daila walk down the steps with her bonnet and robe on with a taser in her hand)

Y/n: Girl- Don't start...

Daila: What? Ion know what he up to..he could touch you, hit you..anything!

Y/n: He won't..i'm ok baby

Daila: 𝘔𝘰𝘮...are you ok?

Y/n: Yeah...why?

Daila: Wake up momma... he is just stressing you OUT!


Daila: It's gonna take someone special for you to listen ...Now if uncle Tony finds out your still with him..your gonna regret it momma..

Y/n: bitch- Is that a threat


(Daila runs up the stairs)

Kobe: Baby..look at me..

(my mom looks at him and he grabs her face)

Kobe: I love you ok?

Y/n: I love you more baby

Dior: Obviously

Y/n: Go to sleep baby...

(she kisses my cheek and gives me a long hug..she never does that meant something)

(after that me and Daila met up in Andres room)

Andre: Is momma really ok? I'm scared that something serious is gonna happen to her and she still gonna be with him...

Daila: I ok?

Dior: Huh?...Oh sorry. I was just..thinking.

Daila: About what?

Dior: Ok hugged me for a solid 2 minutes in front of-..Him...


Dior: YES!

Andre: She never- Wait..i think she wants help

Daila: ion know...i think we should get somebody to talk to her first...but it has to be someone that stays on her mind for a long time..

Dior: What about...KENDRA??

Daila: YEAH! But- she has a wife...

Dior: Oh ok...good point...What about Asia..i know mom hates her but we can get them to talk..

Andre: We have to sneak and get momma old phone tho...

Daila: It's Downstairs in the kitchen drawer...Imma go get it..

(About 5 minutes later she came back with it..we talked while it charged for a little then we scrolled through her contacts..)

Daila: Ok..but it's early ...

Andre: It's not gonna be that's for important reason so she might understand...

(y'all press the call button and after 2 calls...she answers..)

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