Part 10

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The pub was the sweetest looking hole in the wall I had ever seen in my life. Little steins hung from the ceiling and the fire was ablaze with heat in the stone wall pub. Pictures hung on the wall of Allerdale Hall and a photo of Edith, after she had just submitted her first draft of Crimson Peak.

 Pictures hung on the wall of Allerdale Hall and a photo of Edith, after she had just submitted her first draft of Crimson Peak

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Chris had gone to the bathroom, and I ordered myself a drink.
"So you're the ome who bought Allerdale then?" The old man behind the bar grumbled. He was tall and stocky with a bulbous nose red with many years of drinking.
"That's right." I smiled and introduced myself.

"Big task for someome like yourself." He commented, not another one! I silently sighed.
"A lot of people have been after that place for years but could never hold onto it. Talk is, it's haunted."

I nearly spat my drink out. Haunted was one word. "Really, wow well it's been pretty quiet here. Other than the work. That's why I'm here actually. I am thinming of running tours and i understand you have ghost nights here? I was thinking, why not work together for a Crimson Peak Experience? You provide the bar, I provide hotel and breakfast."

He seemed interested, and we set down a time and date for a genuine meeting. I slipped him a stack of brochures and flyers for the hotel and I took his number so I could arrange some cross posting and advertising.

When Chris came back he looked terrible, and I asked the barman for a pint for him. He looked pale, his eyes sunken. God, that power draining spell really put the whammy on him.
"I'm sorry, I didn't get much sleep last night." He yawned and picked up his pint.

"Yeah me neither, weird dreams you know?" I said pointedly
I picked up my glass sipping, I didn't want to get tipsy at all.
"So tell me about you Chris, what goes on in that head of yours?"

He began telling me all about his childhood, regular boring stuff that you would talk about. Until he got to his family. "My mum died when I was 15, and my dad when I was 18. So I basically had to step up with Liam. He was only 11, so I practically became his dad."

I'm not gonna lie I felt sorry for him but I was still ready to do what was needed. "I made sure he got to college and Uni. All worked out though, his business studies got us through the worst of the economic situation."

"Sounds great." I said flatley, he was really milking the pity card. Two men at the bar were staring at us and snickering, I glared and focussed on their drinks.


Their pints boiled over and bubbled. They didn't notice until they tried to pick up their glasses when they burnt and scalded their hands and the glasses shattered.

"I need the bathroom." I stood and walked to the ladies. I went jnto the cubicle and sat down ponderjng what I had to do. It wasn't going to be pretty. I would have to expose then kill him if I was going to stop him. Kill or be killed.

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