Part 12: 26th OCTOBER

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"Absolutely not." Thomas stood firm.
"There is no way I will allow this. It goes against nature and the very fabric of decency!"

"Don't preach descency to me Thomas Sharpe! After what you did to me in this bed, you were positively pornographic!"

He leaned against the wardrobe eyeing me up and down. "I have yet to hear a complaint." He smirked, but I wasn't having it. There was no way he was flirting his way out of this one.

"No, it has to be done! It's only right! Everyone wears a costume on Halloween!" I held up the Frankenstein costume and headpiece. I bit my lip as he gave me a look of pure annoyance. He was way too proud for a dead guy.
"It's only one night. And you will have to look inconspicuous around the guests or they are gonna freak at the sight of Thomas Sharpe at the party!"

"SIR Thomas Sharpe! And they will say 'look at that fellow, he has made quite the effort.'" He rebutted
I tried to get him to consider it but he wouldn't. "Yes, SIR sharpe. I wonder what people will say when they see your portrait too!"

He cocked his head at me and squinted his eyes, "Did you just roll your eyes at me pet?"
He said quietly. I bit my lip and shrugged, "What are you gonna do about it?"

Grabbing my waist he pulled me to him in a hard embrace claiming my mouth with his. I hummed a sigh, his kiss tasted so good, I wanted it forever. When he broke away he stroked my hair back and I took him in, he looked stronger than before, but of course that was because the vale was beginning to thin, working up to Samhain.

"So, when you are not trying to make me a ridiculous spectacle, what are your other plans for the day?"

"Well, when you put it like that..." I smirked, "I have a meeting with Mr Gorman about maintenance. He is gonna get us a garden too, something will finally grow at Crimson Peak. Plus, I got the new chef moving into the cottage at the end of the drive. She is gonna be rustling up some samples for the dinner and hors d'oeuvres for Sunday night."

"Sound's positively delicious. Anything else I should know?"

"Yeah." I whispered, and leant into him as I spoke right down his ear, " I think it's only right that you know...That I decided to forgo my underwear today..." I smiled at the last part, and felt him shudder.

He was visibly affected by my commando status, and I backed away reminding him that I was wearing a short skirt and boots. "My god woman, you are the very devil incarnate." He breathed hard and his eyes traced my legs and to where my sex lay beneath my skirt.

"I try."


Lucille walked through the astral realm, the only way for her to inhabit the house and not be discovered by
Y/N and Thomas. The Warlock had managed to destroy Y/N's wards, but he wanted her to be none the wiser still. So Lucille took to staying in the Warlocks room, and only going to the house via the the cisterns and pipes to keep her dealings secret for the Warlock had given her a task; Gain her knowledge, steal from her book.

Lucille appeared in Y/N's room, her books were everywhere, Just lile Thomas, impetuous and messy. She thought annoyed. She looked to the bed and saw the sheets in a mess, she knew Y/N and Thomas had made love in it, and it tore at her heart.

I will teach you to take my love from me, to bed him. You whore. She thought to herself. She calmed down, she knew too well that the Warlock had things in hand, he had some of her personal belongings. Her scandalous undergarments were in his chest of drawers. She had caught him a few times handling them like they were precious. She wasn't sure if he wanted to kill or fuck the Witch.

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