It's Been A While Huh?

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Hello Everyone! It's almost been 3 years since I last updated this story and I think the fanfic writer curse got to me😅So many stressful things happened in my life over the last few years and I just couldn't think of anything good to write so I just didn't. I wanted to say that I am so so sorry for not continuing this story and just despairing like that without giving it the ending that it deserves. 

But I also wanted to say that I'm so incredibly grateful to all of you who read this story and added it to your libraries. I mean 128K reads and 2.9 votes is absolutely insane🤩 and I have you all to thank for this! ❤️

I started this story when I was 13 almost 14, and little me had some impressive ideas but I think that the execution can be way better. So this Story is getting a rewrite and I'm going to change and flesh out some parts and characters because I think this story deserves it! Now it will be rewritten on A03 so if you are interested in this, please go to my profile (Aschelay123) there and bookmark the Fanfic so that you can receive emails for when a new chapter is out. 

The New Protologue is already out!

I hope you guys will not get too mad at me for moving there 😅 but I think it will be for the best and the fic will get the care that it deserves. If you guys have any questions about the rewrite just comment and I'll do my best to respond! 

I hope everyone is doing well and thank you once again for everything! ❤️❤️❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05 ⏰

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