Loving The Bad Boy: Chapter Eighteen

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Loving The Bad Boy: Chapter Eighteen
Edited Chapter

Gasping, I looked at Vince with a terrified look as he jumped out the window of his room. I looked down, making sure he wasn't hurt or splattered all over the ground.

"Vince, no way am I doing that," I whisper-yelled, crossing my arms over my chest. "And are you crazy? You could've gotten hurt."

"Babe, look at me. I fight and come out without a scratch, jumping out of a window is nothing. Now, c'mon, we're going to get caught," Vince smirked at me, winking afterwards.

Rolling my eyes, I walked back down the stairs and out the front door. The sensible way to do it. I walked over to where Vince is, tapping him on the shoulder. He turned around, his face emotionless.

"How'd you-"

"It's magic, babe," I smiled, my blue eyes twinkling in the street light. "So, what's the plan?"

"What's Nina's most feared thing?"

"Spiders, but not just any spiders,
Wolf Spiders. Why?" I questioned, looking up at him with confusion.

"I got the perfect big Wolf Spider on the porch. C'mon, it's still there."

And so I followed him, almost jumping at the sight of the spider. Vince, knocking it down, made it fall of my hair. He calmed me down with his arm wrapped around me, picking up the spider with a vase that he found in his yard.

"What if it's babies are on me?" I freaked, positive that my face mocked horror, terror. "I hate spiders."

"Vanessa, don't worry. Wolf Spiders aren't that poisonous," those words seemed to calm me down before he had to ruin it. "I think."

With the smirk I could see from the corner of my left eye, I could tell he was joking. But honestly, I didn't exactly care.


"Now, we are going to go inside. Put the spider down and wait for her reaction," Vince stated, putting out implicit directions but I did get them.


On the count of three, we put it down and ran into a closet near by. Nina, with head phones in her ears, walked cheerfully down the hallway. She opened her eyes, looking down and nearly fainting when she saw the spider.

"Max! Max!" Nina screamed out her brother's name, and then a very tired looking Max came through the doorway next to where Nina is standing.

"What is it?"


"Spider?" Max looked down, rubbing his face as he groaned in irritation. He scooped it up and threw it outside.

A silent giggle came out of my mouth. I looked at Vince who was already looking at me, biting down on his lip to stop him from bursting out laughing.

His lip biting stopped, and he began to lean in slowly then rushier. Our lips collided, the fireworks setting off everywhere: first my toes, then my legs, my stomach, then everywhere.

He pushed my body up against the closet door, almost knocking us over but he held quite the grip on me.

Forgetting that we were supposed to stay quite, we both groaned into each other's lips and pushed each other up the door.

Suddenly, we fell, out lips disconnecting. I jumped up at the sight of Max with a knife staring at us with a confused glance.

"Hey, man," Vince got up and they did this type of handshake, the one what boys usually do. "What's up? Liked the spider?"

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