Loving The Bad Boy: Chapter Twenty-Two

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Loving the Bad Boy
Chapter Twenty-Two

My body felt sore, my mouth was dry and I couldn't move. My whole body was stiff and unmoveable, but it hurt; so badly.

My eyes are closed and I can here faint voices coming from beside me. How long have I been in a coma for?

The voices became clearer and I was able to stir just a little, until a painful jolt runs up to my right shoulder. I hiss, and the voices stop.

"Hey, baby girl," Vince's voice soothed my ears, making me somewhat relax. I needed him. To touch me, to hug me.

I tried to move my lips, but my throat closed up. My voice didn't come and greet him, do the same.

"Can you try to open your eyes?" Came a second voice, probably belonging to a doctor.

The voices sounded far away, and they were quiet like I could barley hear them. It was like Vince was two miles away, that is what it had sounded like.

My throat is dry, I have a pounding headache and it seems like the world isn't spinning on its axis. Everything seemed still, quiet.

I began to shuffle my feet, showing them that I was alive and I wasn't going anywhere. My ears picked up the faint sound of a sigh of relief coming from Vince.

It felt like my chest was tightening, like someone wad sitting on it and I was struggling to breath.

Finally, my eyes opened, then closed, then opened again. Vince bent down, placing a soft kiss on my forhead. I smiled, relieved that I got to feel him. To feel his touch. To breath in his scent.

"Now, I will give your instuctions later, I will let you two catch up."

The doctor left the room, clearly feeling out of place. I metally thanked her, I needed to talk to Vince. Alone.

"Where is he?" Was the first thing I said, and I surprised my ownself with my voice. It was raspy, like I haven't talked in a while.

"Next room," Vince stared at the wall like it did something offensive to him. I breathed in, calming my nerves. I can't do this, but I have to. "I beat him to a pulp, I thought you died."

"Well, I am here now, Vince and I won't always be," I started off, looking at Vince's glossy eyes. He knew.

"You won't, you are attached to me," Vince sniffed, and un-manlike tears were starting to form in his eyes. I shouldn't, but I have to.

This is all getting to much for me.

"I'm sorry, Vince," I sighed, trying to sit up, but I couldn't; everything hurt. "But this is what I have to do, this is what will make me a better person."

"By leaving me, Vanessa?" Vince's voice held something dangerous, he won't hit me; he wouldn't.

"That is not what I am saying," I argued back, annoyed by that fact that he would even think I was leaving him because of what people thought.

"Vanessa, fine," Vince's deadly voice spoke out and I shivered in fear. "Just leave the fucking person who only truly cared about you, the one you loves you."

"Vince, this is what is best," I can't argue when I am in a state like this. I am weak and scared.

"But what about my fucking feelings, Vanessa? Hm, have you ever though about someone other than yourself? Fuck, Vanessa, do you know the way you fucking make me feel? No, you don't, because again, you are selfish. You only care about fucking you and it is bullshit," Vince cleched his jaw and balled his fists, "so whatever we had, it is over. I can't take any of your shit any longer. Don't come looking for me, because I know that once you are all better, you will start looking for me and come back to me like nothing ever happened."

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