Loving The Bad Boy: Chapter Nineteen

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Loving The Bad Boy: Chapter Nineteen
Edited Chapter (somewhat)

"Brad..." I breathed out, tears forming down my face. "Can I stay over night?"

"Why? What's up?" Brad gave me a concerned look as he pulled me into the comfort of his house.

"Vince and I got into a huge fight and your the only one that I was able to come back to," I cried out, whimpering just a little.

"What about that friend of yours?"

"The argument involved her," I sobbed out, leaning my head on his shoulder as we sat on his comfy leather couch.

"What happened baby girl?"

"Well, Vince and I were at this party. We were having fun and drinking. We both weren't completely drunk, but we weren't sober either. Then Nina comes onto Vince and they start making out in a room, with me watching," I paused for a second. "It broke my heart, Brad, just seeing Vince; the one I absolutely love, make out with another girl right in front of me. And having that girl be my best friend. But the thing is, Brad, is that Nina was completely sober; hasn't drank anything yet.

"So, I left because I was heartbroken and I couldn't handle it anymore. Then I come back thinking that they were so confused and wondering what had happened. But no, they jumped off of the bed with no clothes on, Brad! No clothes..."

"Sh, baby girl, it's alright," Brad reassured me. I tried to believe him, trying to think that this is just some cruel nightmare and that Nina would never do that to me. Blinking a few times and finding myself in Brad's arms didn't help the tears.

"Where's Vince now?" Brad asked, breaking the silence.

"I don't know, he didn't come running after me when I left the room so that shows how much he cares."

"Who needs Vince?" Brad suddenly stated confidently. "Your strong. Sure, you love him, but if he's cheating on you; he surely doesn't care about your feelings."

I need him, I thought. Tears formed my eyes once again, burying my head into Brad's muscular chest. I need him.

"Why don't we get you into some comfy clothes and some rest?" Brad questioned, carrying my bridal style towards his bedroom.

He placed me down on the bed and I watched as he pulled out black sweats and a gray tee. Taking them gratefully, I walked into the bathroom and began changing out of my red sparkling dress. I took of my make up, brushed my teeth with an unopened toothbrush and then walked out, wiping my tears away.

Who cried over a boy? Especially a boy who doesn't care about you no more?

"I'm so tired," I said, giggling as I hopped onto Brad's bed, shoulders brushing against each other's.

I stared up at him due to the fact that he was quite taller than me. His brown sparkling eyes stared down at mine, then he started leaning in. But the thing is that I didn't stop him, I kissed him before he could kiss me.

I needed a break. I didn't want to be tied down to Vince all my life. And though this was my tired self talking, I couldn't help but see how true this is.

I placed my hand on his chest, pulling him away. This wasn't me, I can't kiss someone while I am in a relationship. Or probably was in a relationship.

"Why'd you stop?"

"I can't, I'm sorry Brad," I apologized. I lay on the bed, arms crossed as I tried to ignore Brad's complaining.

"C'mon, we were just getting to the good part anyways," Brad winked, getting my blood boiling. Would he really think that I would do it with him?

"Listen Brad, your nice and all, but I don't think we should be together. You ruined your chance; you shouldn't have beat me."

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