~If Only You Remember Prolouge~

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If Only You Remember Prologue

Jasmine's Pov:

~During X Factor (Three years earlier)~

Zayn nervously sat down in the blue chairs -tapping his foot impatiently- by the access to the stage. His brown eyes were filled with worry and eagerness. I knew he was scared but he was finally filled with joy that he would be performing. He wanted so badly wanted to be put through but I knew he would, all he needed was confidence.

"Calm down, Zayn. I'm here for you. You will make it through. I just know it," I said. I gently grasp his hand in mine and sent him a smile. He looked at me, squeezed my hand gently, and nodded with a smile. His shoulders instantly relaxed at my comforting words. "Zayn Malik," a man, with a clipboard, said. Zayn stood up with a jolt as the man handed him a microphone. "Don't worry kid," he said. Zayn nodded with a nervous smile.

I stood up and gave Zayn a hug from behind. His hands cupped mine which were around his torso. "Good luck," I whispered. "Thank you. I'll need it," he said. "You will do great," I said. I kissed his cheek for good luck and we let go of each other. He hesitantly walked up the three steps and before he walked on, he turned around and flashed me a grin before walking on.

I walked over to the tv screen back stage and watched him on there. He walked out with a little smile on his tan face. "Hello my name is Zayn," he said. Each of the judges did their greets with kindness. "I'll be singing Let Me Love You by Mario," Zayn said in the microphone. Simon had told him to go ahead and start singing. Zayn nodded with a nervous shake of the head and began singing.

"Let me love you, let me be the one to, give you everything you want and need," Zayn sung. The crowd roar with screams and cheers, causing Zayn to relax and sing his little heart out. After he finished singing it was time for the judges to say if he was in or not. I crossed my fingers, hoping he will get in. "You were absolutely amazing Zayn! I see a bright future ahead of you so yes ," Louis said. "I agree with Louis. You were incredible and I was absolutely blown away. It's a yes for me," Nicole said. Only one more. If you pass Simon then it was easy, in my opinion. "You were very talented and a little more work I'm sure you will win so you're in," Simon said. I threw my hands in the air and did a silent cheer. Zayn smiled and said, "Thank you," before walking off the stage.

Zayn came down the steps and once I saw him, I ran to him and gave him the biggest hug. "Congratulations! You made it in! I'm going to miss you so much when you leave but I believe you can win is thing," I said. When I didn't get a reaction out of him, I pulled back and looked at him in confusion. "Zayn? Are you okay?" I asked. His sudden mood had changed and it kind of scared me. Instead of being happy and excited, he was dark and mysterious. "Yeah... not so fast," he sneered.

My eyes widen in surprise. "Excuse me?" I asked. "This," he gestured between him and me, "Isn't working out anymore." "What do you mean?" I asked. I felt my lips quiver and droplets of tears escape my eyes. I quickly wiped them away in embarrassment. "Because," he simply said. "Because why?" I asked. "Will you quit being so annoying?" he groaned. "Zayn-" "I'm going to become famous and get the girls, so I won't need you anymore," he interjected. Those words that just came out of his mouth, crushed me. It felt like a bullet pierced my heart. His words had hurt. "Are you joking with me?" I asked. He shook his head. "Now if you excuse me. I have better hints to do them to see you cry." He pushed past me and began walking to the exit.

Anger boiled through my veins. My fist clenched to my sides and my eyebrows furrowed in anger. "Good luck finding someone else with that jackass attitude of your's!" I yelled. He stopped and turned to looked at me then, he shrugged. "Already have," he said. Then, he turned back around and walked out of the doors.

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