~If Only You Remember Chapter 7~

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If Only You Remember Chapter 7

Jasmine Pov:

"Jasmine," someone whispered in my ear. "Go.. Away.." I groaned. I turned over and faced the other side. "Jasmine," someone said again. "Go.. Away.." I said getting irritated. "But Jasmine you need to wake up! We are going to go see our buddies," someone said.

It sounded like a girl's voice. "No more chocolate," she said. I shot up and saw Makayla. "That worked," she laughed. She sat down on the bed and crossed her arms. "What?" I shrugged. "Why in the hell is your brother doing here?" She asked. I stood up and walked to bathroom with he following me. "Hello?" She said waving her hands.

"Hold on let me wake up," I said. "You are, now spill," she said. "He asked if he can move in because mom and dad kicked him out," I yawned. I started to brush my teeth while Makayla rants. "Why would you allow that! We were suppose to get away from both of our family! He is to old to be around us anyways. No fair! Kick him out!" She ranted.

I spit out the tooth paste and rinsed my mouth. I walked out of the bathroom and she followed me. "I mean come on! He is your brother!" She continued to rant. I grabbed a bowl and a box of lucky charms. I poured the cereal in the bowl and I grabbed the milk then poured that in the bowl. "He needs to leave! We are girls! We need our own privacy!" She still ranted.

I grabbed a spoon and sat down at the table. She sat down across from me. "He is going to bug us all the time! Especially when he finally sees Zayn! Has he even met him? I doubt he did. There will be to much drama between the two!" She still continued to rant. I took a bite of my cereal. I rested my head in my hands.

"I'm going to kick him out we need time by ourself from people back in Bradford. I mean-" "Makayla!" I cut her off. She stopped and looked at me. I looked up at her annoyed. "What?" She asked. "He is staying here. He has no where to go and he promised no parties, no girls, cleans up his mess, and plus he says he will make his special brownies," I shrugged. "Those always get you," she smiled while rolling her eyes. "Yes they do," I grinned.

"Now go get ready! We are hanging with the girls and lads," she said. I groaned and rolled my head back. "Fine," I said. I stood up and walked back to my bedroom. I went to my closet and grabbed my leather jacket and a blue spaghetti strap tank top. I laid it on my bed and walked to my drawers. I pulled out black shorts and also laid that on my bed. I got undressed and slid on my black shorts. I put on my blue shirt then slid on my black leather jacket. I grabbed some socks and put them on. I grabbed my white vans and also put them on. I stood up and walked to the bathroom.

I grabbed the straightener and plugged it in. I grabbed my make up bag and began to do my make up. I just put on mascara and foundation. I was to lazy to do my make up. I grabbed my hair straightener and began to straighten my hair. After I straightened my hair and unplugged it, I walked out of the bedroom and to the living room. Everyone stood there. The lads and girls.

Everyone looked up and smiled at me besides Zayn. What's his deal? I gnarled it and walked to where they are. "Ready," I smiled. "Yep let's go Jazzy!" Louis shouted. He took off running outside. Eleanor laughed and chased after her crazy boyfriend. Danielle and Liam walked out and followed them. Harry and Makayla was next. Niall followed closely behind them. Me and Zayn walked out next.

We all got in separate cars. I was in a car with Zayn, of course, Makayla, and Harry. The other five were in the other car. Of course me and Zayn were in the back. He sat as far away from me but why? Wait why do I care? I don't.. He looked out the window not even looking at me. Strange... What ever. "So where are we going?" I asked. On the corner of my eye I saw Zayn roll his eyes. What's his deal? "An amusement park," Harry said. "Sounds fun," I said.

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