~If Only You Remember Chapter 23~

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If Only You Remember Chapter 23

Jasmine's Pov:

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. I groaned and sat up. I yawn and rubbed my eyes.

I grabbed my phone from the bedside table next to me.

"Hello?" I said. "Jasmine?" Zayn's voice came through the phone.

"Zayn why are you calling at eight in the morning?" I asked. "I need to talk to you about something," he said.

"So hurry and get ready. Meet me at the park in an hour," he said before hanging up.

I sighed and set my phone back down. I stood up and went to my bathroom.

I turned on the shower and waited for it to heat up. Once heated, I stripped and got in.

The hot water hitting my skin felt nice. I looked up and let the water drop on my face.

Finally I get to shower. I felt dirty when I haven't showered.

After letting the water rinse down on me, I needed to wash my hair and body.

  I grabbed the vanilla scented shampoo and washed my hair. I scrubbed it into my hair and made sure it was clean.

I rinsed out the shampoo. When it was all out, I put in the conditioner.

I let it set for a minute before rinsing it out. I grabbed the bar of soap and washed my body and shaved my legs.

Don't want to have hairy legs now do we? I laughed and rinsed my legs and body.

  I set the razor down on the side. I turned around and shut of the water. I twisted my hair to get the water out.

I opened the door and got out of the shower. I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my body. I walked in front of the mirror to brush my teeth.

I grabbed the tooth brush and tooth paste. I spread some tooth paste on the tooth brush.

I set back the tooth paste where it was. I put the tooth brush in my mouth and brushed my teeth.

I mad sure to clean them well. I spit out the tooth paste in the sink. I turned on the water and put some in my hand.

I brought it up to my mouth and rinsed the tooth paste out of my mouth.

I spit out the water and shut off the water. I smiled in the mirror. I put on some deodorant.

I opened the bathroom door and walked into my room. I grabbed bra and underwear and put them on.

I dropped my towel and I wrapped my hair in a different towel for it to be wavy. I walked to my closet to grab some clothes.

I pulled out my black leather jacket and white shirt. I set it out on my bed.

I walked  to my drawers and pulled out high waisted shorts and tights. I also set those on the bed.

I slid on the tights then my shorts, I button them. I slid on my white shirt then my leather jacket.

I grabbed a pair of white socks and put them on. I grabbed my combat boots and tied them.

I stood up and walked to grab my phone. I put it in my back pocket. I took the towel out and my hair is some what damped and wavy. I walked out of the bedroom and down the hall.

"Makayla?" I called out for her. "What?" She groaned from her room. "I'm going out to meet Zayn," I said. "Alright have fun," she said.

I jogged down the stairs and into the living room. I saw Zachary sitting on the couch watching tv.

"Where are you going?" He asked. "Meeting up with Zayn. He says he has something important to tell me," I said as I grabbed my car keys.

"Ok be safe," he said. "Will do big brother," I said walking out the door and to my car. 

I got in and started my car. I backed out and drove down the neighborhood rode. The park wasn't to far of a drive. Ten minutes at the most and I arrived.

I parked out by the swings. I took my key out and opened the door. I got out and closed the door behind me, making sure I locked my car before walking.

I walked on the damped grass and onto the sidewalk. I continued to walk till I saw Zayn sitting down on the table.

I grinned and walked over to him. I sat down next to him and said, "Hey." He looked up at me. His face shown no emotion.

I looked over at him confused. "What's up?" I asked. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "I have a few things to say," he began after a moment of silence.

"Ok?" I said more like a question. "Tell me this. How do you know Perrie?" He asked. I looked at him in bewilderment.

"Perrie?" I said. "Yeah the blonde hair girl I was with," he said. "Oh her! We bumped into each other before," I explained.

"How come you don't like her?" He asked. "What do you mean? I only met her a few times and ran into her a few times," I said. He scoffed and mumbled an alright then.

"Anyways I want you to meet my girl friend," he said. My stomach twisted and turned. It felt like my heart was shattered but why?

I forced on a smile and nodded. "Perrie. Why don't you come on out," Zayn smiled.

Wait hold on a minute! Rewind.. Back it up... Did he just say what I think he just said.

There she walked out from behind a tree. Zayn walked up to her and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, he kissed her cheek before looking back at me.

"Jasmine. Meet my girl friend Perrie."

A/n: Here is chapter 23 my lovelies! That's what I'm going to call you now. Ok? Ok. What do you think Jasmine is going to say? What do you think is going to happen in the next chapter? I'll give you a hint... Drama!! So Jasmine's outfit is on my polyvore so check it out! Anyways! I've written a new story call stranded so check it out! Trailer to the story is on YouTube and its to the side and in external link so check it out! So here is fact #3!  

Fact #3

 I am in love with superheroes. Me and my dad are huge fans of them. We love going to midnight premieres of the movies. Like a couple days ago me and my dad went to see superman man of steel movie at midnight and it was amazing! We also saw a batman marathon for the dark knight rises and we saw avengers at midnight. Me and my dad also love zombies and the show the walking dead! You can say we love comic books.    

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