Meanwhile (again)

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3rd person POV 

BB Pouted at Bonnie and Chica's reactions.

(BB): Come on, aren't you excited to meet the new guy?

(Chica): You're the only one who's ever excited when a new guard is hired.

(Freya): BB, we've gone through this scenario over 26 times. Why do you still act this way when you know how it's going to end?

BB started to get annoyed.

(BB): Because I'm an optimist, unlike all of you.

(Bonnie): No, you're too trusting, open, and outgoing. Mangle was the same, and look at what ended up happening to her!

A glare appeared on BB's face, and her voice took an angry tone.

(BB): I seriously can't believe you guys. It's been years since that incident, and you guys have been sheltering her ever since. You won't give Mangle the chance to get past it! You're telling her to stay inside of her cove because it'll "keep her safe", when really you're just forcing her to stay alone in that spot with no one to talk to, leaving her alone with her thoughts. Ugh.

BB then left the room and slammed the door shut.

(Freya): Well girls, are we ready to give this guard a taste of his own medicine?

With BB

(BB): *thinking* It's terrible what happened to Mangle. She never deserved it. Nobody deserves it. But she can't just live on forever thinking that every guy is a scumbag who will do the same thing to her.

BB decided she would speak to Mangle about this before the new guard's first shift. She approached Mangle's cove, and opened the curtain slightly.

(BB): Mangle?

(Mangle): Y-Yes? Is something wrong?

(BB): No, no, of course not. I just want to speak with you for a bit.

(Mangle): Y-Yeah... come on in.

With a slight smile, BB moved the curtain a bit further and stepped inside.

(BB): So... W-We've got a new night guard.

(Mangle): I know. He tried to speak with me earlier today, but I didn't respond. I-I really wanted to, though.

(BB): So why didn't you?

(Mangle): BB, you know how the other girls feel about me speaking to boys. Especially the night guards.

(BB): <sigh> Right... It's really not fair. I know I say this every time, but I have a good feeling about this guy.

(Mangle): ...Me too, actually.

(BB): Wow, really? I never thought I'd hear you say something like that.

(Mangle): Something about the way he spoke just seemed gentle and calming. I just wish I could muster up the courage to try and speak with him.

(BB): Agreed. But even if you did, I doubt the others would actually let you try.

(Mangle): Yeah... I really hope something changes.

(BB): For real. Well, I'm gonna get going now. Thanks for speaking with me, Mangle. I know this isn't exactly your favorite thing to talk about.

Mangle looked at her and smiled.

(Mangle): It's not a problem at all. I'm actually glad you came to talk with me about this.

(BB): Same here.

BB exited the cove.

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