Objective: Prepare For Your First Shift

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(Quick A/N: Gonna use the name Fredina instead of Freya now.)

3rd POV

As Y/N pulled into the empty parking lot of the convention, he checked the time to ensure that he wasn't late.

(Y/N): *thinking* It's 11:52. Now would be a good time to check if I have everything I'm gonna need for this shift. Alright, let's see here... blue surgery gloves to ensure I don't leave any fingerprints; check. Chimano 88 Pistol and non-lethal rounds for obvious reasons; check. Flashlight for more obvious reasons; check. Pocket ECM to scramble the cameras if needed; check. Aaand a bottle of (F/S) to keep myself functioning; check-a-leck-a-ding-dong.

(Y/N) paused for a moment to contemplate on that last thing he had just said in his mind.

(Y/N): *thinking* Thank god nobody heard that... let's get this over with.

Grabbing his backpack, Y/N placed the rest of the aforementioned supplies inside after he slipped his blue surgery gloves on, and shutting off his car. Slinging his bag over his shoulder, he left the Longfellow and approached the front entrance of the convention. Pushing the door open, he was slightly unnerved by the pitch-black darkness inside of the building.  

(Y/N): *Thinking* I don't like this place at all... Whelp, here I go within it.

Entering the convention and locking the door behind him, Y/N took a few steps before suddenly realizing he didn't even use a key. Come to think of it, he was never given a key to the building in the first place. 

(Y/N): *Still thinking* Did the manager seriously forget to lock the place up?! Fucking hell, no wonder they need a guard. 

Shaking his head and sighing in disapproval, Y/N pulled his flashlight out of his handbag, turning it on and slightly illuminating the area in front of him. First scanning to his left, he saw Bonnie, Fredina, and Chica; the main attractions of the convention/pizzeria, all standing motionless on their stage.

(Y/N): *more thinking* Yep, everything's normal here. Creepy, but normal. Alright, gotta find the office. Manager said there'll be a uniform there for me.

Turning his gaze away from the girls, Y/N was not able to notice their gaze turning towards him and glaring. The brown bear-girl then whispered to her friends.

(Fredina): Hehe... It's been a while, girls. Let's hope we haven't lost our touch~

Bonnie and Chica start to quietly and sadistically giggle along with their leader as Y/N reached his office. Y/N looked around the office, which was dimly lit with only a single lightbulb hanging from the ceiling. His gaze soon landed on the desk, where he saw the security guard uniform which was left for him. It was a long-sleeve button-up shirt that was white in color, coupled with a pair of black pants (A/N: What, did you think the uniform was gonna be purple?). As he reached for the uniform, Y/N noticed there was a note attached to it, reading "No other lights are allowed to be turned on in the convention at night. We have limited power supply." Y/N tossed the note aside and headed over to the restroom to change. Once Y/N was clad in his uniform, he placed his other clothes inside of his bag. All the while, he was completely unaware that someone was inside the vents, watching him change.

(Y/N): *even more thinking* Huh. It fits perfectly. I wonder how they got my size. 

(Earlier, when BB finished talking to Mangle...)

(Manager): Ah shit, I forgot to ask what size clothing he needs for the uniform!

(BB): Oh! I know what size he wears; he wears (your clothing sizes).

(Manager): Wait, he told you this?

(BB): Nope.

(Manager): Why do you know what size he is then?

(BB): You know why ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

(Manager): ...Yeah, I do.

(Back to the present...)

(Y/N): *guess what? still thinking* Eh. Doesn't matter.

Y/N then left the restroom and proceeded to go back to the office to drop his bag off, and attached the other equipment he brought with him to a belt he kept hidden under his coat that he wore over his uniform. Once he was properly equipped, Y/N left his office and turned on his flashlight again, deciding to patrol the building rather than just sit down in the office. He figured if he was going to do this job, he might as well put in all the work he can. Unfortunately, this choice had two serious consequences. The first being that he wasn't in the office to listen to the message/warning left over the phone, and the second being the fact that the office was the safest place for him.

(A/N: Aaaand that's it for this chapter. I know, I know, these all of these chapters are short as hell. Cut me some slack, will ya? This is my first book. Anyways, the next chapter will be on what happens to Y/N during his shift. Okay, with all of that out of the way... time to move on to the vote for the character that I will use in the inevitable smut scene I said I'd write... If there's a tie between the top voted characters by the time I finish writing the chapter prior to the smut scene, I'll maybe, MAYBE try to include all of those characters. The current score is as follows:

Marionette: 4

Bonnie: 2

Springtrap/Spring Bonnie: 1

Fredina: 0

Mangle: 0

Foxy: 1

Golden Fredina: 0

Chica: 0

BB: 1 

Sydney: 1

Leave your vote on who you want me to put into the scene. Until next time, everyone!)

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