Two Meanwhiles Later

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3rd POV

Y/N neared Mercy Hospital, and pulled into the parking lot. He parked on the far edge, turning off the engine, and stepped out of the Longfellow. There before him stood the 30-floor hospital, currently undergoing construction near the rooftop.

 There before him stood the 30-floor hospital, currently undergoing construction near the rooftop

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Y/N entered the building and headed for the reception area on the ground floor.

(Y/N): *thinking* Why does her care have to be so damn expensive?

Y/N entered the reception area, and spoke to the woman at the main desk.

(Y/N): Excuse me, miss?

(Receptionist): Oh! How can I help you?

(Y/N): I'm, uh, here as a visitor. Looking to see someone.

(Receptionist): Okay, can I get a name?

(Y/N): Her name is M/n L/n.

(Receptionist): Ah, she said she had been expecting a visitor.

(Y/N): Yep, that'd be me.

(Receptionist): Alright, just head down hallway C, and enter room number 4.

(Y/N): Thank you kindly.

Y/N had already known the directions to his mother's room by now, but he still needed to check in.

(Y/N): *thinking* They better be treating you right...

Y/N then knocked on the door and stepped inside. There before him stood a hospital bed, and in the hospital bed was Y/N's mother, currently suffering from a terminal illness. She had several machines hooked up to her, all of which were required in order to keep her alive.

(M/N): There you are.

(Y/N): Hey, mom. I'm sorry I'm late.

(M/N): Well, as long as you're here. Always happy to see my son safe and sound. Especially considering your little "career".

(Y/N): I know mom, but there's no other way I can find to pay your medical bills. Besides, you know how crooked the law enforcement in this town is, being paid by the Commissar.

(M/N): That's not the problem I have with it! The problem I have is that--

Y/N's mother began coughing violently due to raising her voice. Y/N quickly rushed to her side.

(Y/N): Mom! Please, just breathe slowl--

(M/N): I'm fine, boy. Sit back down!

Y/N listened to his mother and returned to the chair on the other side of her bed.

(M/N): As I was saying, my problem with it isn't the police fighting; all of those corrupt-ass law enforcers can go to hell for all I care. The issue I have with it is how dangerous it is!

(Y/N): Mom, you know I can handle myself! I've been trained by some of the best.

(M/N): You mean those "friends" of yours? Listen, I don't care who trained you. You're still a damn teenager, and you're getting into gunfights with people who use military-grade weaponry!

(Y/N): Well me and the crew have serious firepower too.

(M/N): Is that supposed to make me feel better?

(Y/N): No, I-- I just... <groan>

(M/N): That's what I thought. Now, how is that job-hunt going?

(Y/N): If you're talking about the "real" job you wanted me to get, it's been done.

Hearing this brought a smile to M/N's face.

(M/N): Now there's some good news. What are you doing?

(Y/N): I'm working the night shift as a security guard at some convention.

(M/N): Security guard, eh? That's painfully ironic, isn't it?

(Y/N): My thoughts exactly.

(M/N): Anyway, I'm still proud of you. I'm glad to know that my baby boy is working with something far less dangerous.

(Y/N): Yes, I promised you I would get at least one legitimate job completed. Of course I'm gonna follow through on that.

(M/N): Good boy. Now then, it's getting late. You'd best be off if you don't want to be late for your job.

(Y/N): Actually my first shift isn't until tommorrow. Working from 12 to 6.

(M/N): I see. Well, I wish you the best of luck. Hopefully that job will knock some sense into you. I love you, sweetie.

(Y/N): Thanks. Goodnight, mom.

Y/N stood up from his chair and went towards the door, placing his hand on the knob. Before opening the door however, he turned back to his mother once more with a small smile on his face.

(Y/N): Aren't you forgetting something?

(M/N): <sigh> There's no reasoning with you on this, is there?

(Y/N): Come on, say it. It's not that big of a deal.

(M/N): ...Alright. Keep those helmets flying.

Y/N's smile grew from this as he left the room.

(M/N): I swear, that boy is going to be the death of me...

With Y/N

(Y/N): *thinking* Alright, her next bill is due by Thursday at 10:00 PM. The heist is on Wednesday. If all goes right with the heist, I should be able to get the money to pay her bills in time.

Y/N left the building, looking up at the night sky. He then continued walking towards his car before getting inside. As he started the engine, he took one last look at the hospital through his window. With a sigh, Y/N pulled out of the parking lot, and began his drive back to the safehouse.

(Y/N): *thinking* I'll keep my promise to her, no matter what.

A/N: Well, now we know the motives behind Y/N's actions. Will he be able to keep his mother alive, or is he doomed to meet an early demise himself? Questions to be answered later.

Other side note: I'm probably gonna wait to do the lemon near the very end of the book, and see if there are any other requests for who's involved in the scene as time goes by. So far we've only got one request, which is Spring Bonnie. Again, I am going to do my very best to make the scene as wholesome and vanilla as I can. 

skull_dozer out!

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