Clocking Out

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-We last left off with our protagonist shutting the security door in Bonnie's face after she made her second appearance. Let's see how she and her friends respond to this...-

3rd POV

(Y/n): [closes security door] NO!

Now majorly annoyed, Y/n walked over to the office chair, and then grabbed the security tablet off of the desk to check the building's current energy supply. 

(Y/n): *thinking* 42% and still dropping. Stupid robots.

Folding her arms and tilting her head to the side, Bonnie spoke to Y/n through the security door.

(Bonnie): How long are you prepared to keep this goody-two-shoes act up?

Wanting nothing more to do with Bonnie, Y/n retorted with venom in his voice. Unfortunately, he made a poor choice of words while doing so.

(Y/n): Oh please, you wouldn't know acting if it kicked you in your non-existent cunt.

As soon as Y/n said this, Bonnie took it as an opportunity to try and seduce the guard once again.

(Bonnie): Who says it's non-existent~?

It took Y/n a solid 10 seconds to process what Bonnie had just said to him. He had stopped looking through the cameras and lifted his head, turning his gaze towards the closed door. Y/n had no idea how to properly respond to a question like this. He doubted there even WAS a proper way to respond. Eventually, Y/n decided to respond by asking a question of his own.

(Y/n): ...Are you trying to tell me that you actually have one?

(Bonnie): Maybe I do. Maybe I don't. Wanna find out for yourself~?

(Y/n): Hard fuckin' pass. Get lost already.

Finally taking a hint, Bonnie left the hallway and went back to the dining area. Once Y/n heard her leave, he proceeded to re-open the door, making his power usage rate drop slightly. Y/n then pulled up the security tablet to check the clock and how much energy the building had left; 4:02 and 30%, respectively. 

(Y/n): *thinking* Stupid rabbit making me waste power. At least she's gone now. Where the hell did she go, anyways?

Y/n then quickly flicked through the cameras until spotting Chica in the dining area. She was sitting at a table, trying to comfort her nose since it was still in pain from falling face-first onto the floor.

(Y/n): *thinking* Damn. Is she genuinely hurt? I feel kinda bad now.

Deciding to check a different camera, Y/n switched to the kitchen's security feed. On the screen, Bonnie could be seen looking directly into the camera. Her mouth was open with her tongue hanging out, as she made a circle with her right hand and stuck her left index finger in and out of it, trying to tease Y/n.

(Y/n): *thinking* Yeah, now I don't feel bad at all.

Setting down the tablet, Y/n sighed and rubbed his temples, trying to make sense of what was happening with this so-called "job". Back in the dining area, Chica was sitting alone while Bonnie had gone to the kitchen to get her an ice pack for her nose, which she was still holding in pain.

(Chica): *thinking* What in the hell did he do to me? I swear, if he does it again, I'm going to break his arms and shatter his pelvis. 

While Chica continued to think of ways to torment and kill the new guard, Bonnie was still in the kitchen, struggling to find an ice pack for her. Frustrated, the bunny-girl started muttering to herself.

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