Objective: Keep Them Away

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3rd POV (still)

(2:19 AM)

(Bonnie): <Distantly> You're not getting away from us that easily!

While Chica was still rubbing her own face in pain and confusion, Bonnie had taken the opportunity to chase after Y/n. Hearing the sound of rapidly-approaching footsteps from the east hallway, Y/n slammed his gloved hand onto the red button that was labeled "door". The reinforced blast-proof security door then slid down with a loud "THUD". A few seconds later, Bonnie was seen outside the window next to the door that had just been shut. Y/n looked at her through the window, with a glare on his face.

(Y/n): Actually, I think I am.

Returning the glare on Y/n's face, Bonnie growled as she pounded her fist once on the window's reinforced glass, and demanded answers.

(Bonnie): Answer me! What just happened to me and Chica?!

(Y/n): Like hell I'm gonna tell you! Buzz off, you lavender-colored prick!

Backing away from the window, Bonnie continued to glare at Y/n before pointing her finger at him and leaving him with one last message.

(Bonnie): This isn't over. We have special ways of making guys talk~

The lavender-colored bunny-girl then turned away, and walked back the way she came down the hall. Once she had left Y/n's line of sight, he sighed and pulled out the chair from the security office's desk. But before Y/n sat down, he noticed something... or someone sitting underneath the desk, fast asleep.

(Y/n): What the-- BB?!

Hearing her name, the animatronic girl raised her head at the source of the voice, while rubbing her eyes like a normal human waking up from a nap.

(BB): [yawn] Night guard? What took you so long?

(Y/n): What the hell is that supposed to mean?

BB stood up from beneath the desk, with Y/n backing away from her as she did so. Though Y/n felt like BB didn't seem to currently be an imminent threat, he remained cautious and kept his distance from her. 

(BB): I was going to give you a surprise welcome when you got here, but you were so late that I got bored and fell asleep. 

(Y/n): Okay, first; I wasn't late. I showed up on time, and I've been walking around and patrolling the building. Second; you guys can actually SLEEP?

(BB): You've stayed outside of the office the whole night? That's the dumbest thing you could've possibly done. 

Y/n motioned his hand to the closed security door and spoke in an annoyed tone.

(Y/n): Yeah, I kinda figured that out myself. Two of your little friends tried to kill me.

(BB): Ugh, I've been trying to convince them not to kill you, but they won't listen!

(Y/n): The hell do they want me dead for? I haven't done shit to them!

(BB): They think you're like all the other creeps who signed up for this job. They got a little too touchy with us, and... Well, I'm sure you can put the rest together. 

At this point, Y/n could tell that the girls were more than just advanced AI; they were full-on sentient.

(Y/n): Others? How many guys have they done this to?

(BB): Twenty-six. All of 'em had ulterior motives. The fourth guy was the absolute worst, though. Let's just say he's the reason Mangle is "out of order".

Y/n's eyes widened at this revelation. He didn't exactly think of himself as a saint, but he didn't think of himself as a monster, either. Y/n had done many things he wasn't proud of while working with the Payday gang, but everything he did was to help someone else: his mother. And even if he wasn't doing it to help his mother, he was still doing people a favor by killing off the corrupt law-enforcement. 

(Y/n): *thinking* A bunch of guys legit took this job just to try and commit rape... on robots? And I thought I was messed up. *talking* Okay, but why do YOU trust me?

(BB): Oh! Because you're a lot better-looking than all the previous guards.

Pausing for a moment, Y/n cocked his eyebrow with a glazed look in his eye.

(Y/n): Rrrrright...

(BB): And based on what you've been up to, I can tell that you're actually trying to take this job as a guard seriously!

(Y/n): Yeah after what just happened, there's a major emphasis on "trying". Listen, can you please just leave me alone?

BB was taken aback at this sudden request. She felt like she'd been hitting things off nicely with the guard, only for him to suddenly ask her to leave? But instead of following through with Y/n's request for her to leave, she decided to try teasing him.

(BB): What? Am I making you [presses herself against Y/n] uncomfortable~?

Putting his hand on BB's shoulder, Y/n pushed her off of himself.

(Y/n): Listen, I ain't lookin' for trouble tonight. Just leave, and all will be cool. 

(BB): Playing "hard-to-get" huh?

The flirtatious tone of BB was getting on Y/n's nerves, which led to him glaring at her.

(Y/n): I'm serious. Leave me alone. On top of your friends being out to kill me, I've got a lot of things I need to focus on right now, and I'd rather not be pestered. Got it?

(BB): Whoa, okay, I get it. I'll leave you be. If you change your mind, you can come out to-- oh, wait. Nevermind.

BB then headed for the open doorway, but spoke to Y/n one last time before she exited the office.

(BB): By the way, don't leave the doors closed too long; it uses up power. Check the camera access.

(Y/n): I'm sorry, WHAT?!

Y/n quickly grabbed the tablet that was on the office's desk as BB left through the open doorway. It was then that Y/n saw how much power was currently left for the building.

(Y/n): *thinking* 46%?! And it's only 3:32! Damn it all!

Putting down the tablet, Y/n walked towards the closed security door, and pressed the button to open it. However, he was immediately met with a familiar face on the other side.

(Bonnie): Hi there~

The seductive bunny girl was then met by Y/n instantly closing the security door on her again.

(Y/n): NO!

A/N: Yeah, I said I'd try to get this chapter out by the end of February. It was really hard for me to find the motivation to write this chapter specifically, so I decided to work on one of the future chapters instead. But hey, I got this chapter done finally! Anyways, the next chapter will focus on the girls' perspective for the rest of night 1. 

Now, let's look at the current poll score for the smut I said I'd write.

 Marionette: 7 

 Bonnie: 2 

 Springtrap/Spring Bonnie: 1 

 Frenni: 0 

 Mangle: 5 

 Foxy: 4 

 G.Frenni: 2 

 Chica: 2 

 BB: 8 

 Sydney: 8

Given the fact that wattpad has started putting my book in suggestions for people, I'm not certain as to when I will end the poll. I don't want to suddenly get a bunch of new readers and have them left out, y'know?

That's all for now. skull_dozer signing out!

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