Objective: Return to the Safehouse

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(A/N: F/S means Favorite Soda. If you don't like soda, just do juice or water.)

Y/N arrived at the safehouse, and opened the rear fence gate to park his car. 

(Y/N): *thinking* Well, better let Dallas know about my job. Hopefully he doesn't get too weirded out by it. I'm sure Sydney will think--

Y/N's thoughts were interrupted when he stepped out of the car, since there was a distinct sound coming from inside the safehouse.

(???): *faintly* There's a place you can go!

(Y/N): *thinking* Why do I hear inspirational music?

As Y/N entered the safehouse, he heard the music coming from the upper level. He walked up to see Sokol, Hoxton, Sangres, and Houston in Dallas' office, all playing Just Dance 2014. 

(A/N: The characters selected for each player from left to right are Hoxton, Sangres, Houston, and Sokol, respectively. I ain't one for stereotypes.)

(Y/N): *thinking* Wait, didn't Dallas say--

Dallas then entered his office to see them using his TV.

(Dallas): HEY! 

Hoxton, Houston, Sangres, and Sokol all paused the game and turned to see Dallas with a glare on his face.

(Dallas): What part of "get your own damn TV" didn't you guys unders-- wait, is that Just Dance?

(Hoxton): Yes.

(Dallas): ...I call next round.

The four others unpaused the game and the song continued. Y/N then stepped into Dallas' office to speak with him.

(Y/N): Hey, boss.

(Dallas): Hey, Rookie. Need something? 

(Y/N): Yeah, I wanted to talk to you for a bit. Can we step outside?

(Dallas): Sure thing.

Dallas and Y/N left the office and went to sit at the mini-bar downstairs. Once they both took their seats, they were approached by the safehouse's bartender.

(Bartender): Can I get you guys anything? 

(Dallas): Just a beer for me, thanks.

(Y/N): I'll take the usual.

The bartender handed a can of beer to Dallas, and a can of F/S to Y/N. The two heisters both opened their drinks and began their conversation.

(Dallas): So, you ready for Wednesday? <takes sip of his drink>

(Y/N): As much as I can be. It's the only way I can get the money I need in time for my mom's bills.

(Dallas): How's she holding up?

(Y/N): She's doing fine. Thanks for asking.

(Dallas): Good to know.

(Y/N): Actually, that's sorta what I wanted to talk to you about. You know the deal I made with her?

(Dallas): Yeah, the thing about getting a regular job.

(Y/N): Well, I've managed to land one. It's going to be this full week, and with the shift hours, I should also be able to get ready for the heist on Wednesday. 

(Dallas): Perfect. What're the shift hours?

(Y/N): 12:00 AM to 6:00 AM.

(Dallas): Working the night shift, I see. 

(Y/N): Exactly.

(Dallas): Where are you working, anyway? <takes another sip of his drink>

(Y/N): That anime convention.

Upon hearing this, Dallas immediately spit out his drink and started laughing. Y/N honestly expected this kind of reaction. After Dallas calmed down, he continued speaking with Y/N.

(Dallas): Okay so-- so let me get this straight; you're working the night shift at a pizzeria/anime convention where the main attractions are well-endowed animatronic girls? 

(Y/N): ...Yeah, pretty much.

(Dallas): Alright, alright, I gotcha. Now, what's your job there gonna be there?

(Y/N): Gonna be working as a security guard.

(Dallas): That's--

(Y/N): Painfully ironic, I know.

(Dallas): I mean, I can kinda see why they'd want a guard. It's baffling how idiotic some criminals can be.

(Y/N): Yeah. It'd probably be some Florida man that moved here. They'd end up on an episode of World's Dumbest or something.

(Dallas): Well, it's good to hear that things are going well for ya, Rookie.

(Y/N): Thanks, boss.

(Dallas): Hey, you can stop with the whole "boss" thing. I'm just the crew chief; nobody in the gang works for me. We all work with each other.

Hearing his superior/mentor tell him this brought a small smile to Y/N's face. 

(Y/N): Alrighty, I'm gonna head home. 

Y/N then drank his entire can of F/S in one drink, and then stood up from his chair.

(Dallas): See you around, kid.

Before he could exit the safehouse's garage, Y/N ran into Sydney, who was currently working on designing masks.

(Sydney): Y/N! How'd it go? The job application, I mean.

(Y/N): Really well. I got the job, and surprisingly easily, too.

(Sydney): Awesome! So, when do ya start?

(Y/N): Tomorrow at midnight. Working until 6 in the morning.

(Sydney): Just you and a group of girls for 6 hours straight, eh~?

(Y/N): Please don't say it like that.

(Sydney): Aw, you know I'm just messing with ya, mate.

(Y/N): Heh. Very funny. Now, I gotta get back to my house.

(Sydney): Alright. And remember, you're always welcome to come over to my house if you need.

Sydney then gave Y/N a hug and then gave him a kiss on the cheek, causing Y/N to lightly blush in an extremely cliche manner.

(Sydney): See you later, then.

(Y/N): Th-Thanks.

Opening the back fence gate again, Y/N stepped into the Longfellow and proceeded to drive to his poor excuse of a house.

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