Their is Steven Universe son of Pink Diamond. Everyone thought he is the only half gem/diamond, but in fact he isn't the only one or even the first one. There is another half diamond/gem more powerful and deadly. His name is (y/n) Black son of Black...
You may have heard of gems, the diamonds, or Steven Universe. Like how he reunited the diamonds and created peace and freedom across the universe. He made enemies into friends, helped other humans and gems, and has the best friends and family could act for. He was the son of Pink Diamond, a half gem, one of a kind... or at least everyone thought. This story is not about him but about another one. But first should go into lore and the truth about the diamonds.
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Long ago, there were the diamonds Pink, Yellow, Blue, and White. But there was a 5th diamond, Black. She was the first diamond and most powerful of all. No one knows how she came to be. She has a powerful ability of absorb any gem light and abilities. Her gem was small but she was naturally bigger than white and had size changing abilities. She commanded white and the other diamonds but before pink came. Eventually black didn't get the respect she deserve and white kept saying things to try about her to the other diamonds. After sometime, Black exiled herself to an unknown planet. Over the years while the diamonds were colonizing, Black watched from afar what was happening and only had a few gems with her like her pearl. She thought things wouldn't change until after pink's fake shattering.
Thousands of years later, Black thought about missing the other diamonds and earth. The other diamonds were mourning pink and they kind of missed Black. One day Black left her home and went to earth but she left a hologram message for anyone to watch. She took size of a normal human. She stayed for years and saw life and humans on earth. She liked it and loved seeing new thing. One day in year 1975, she meet someone who will change her life forever. She found a human man. He was average looking but to her, most beautiful creature she ever saw. The human name was (d/n) and he owned a tile business. She approached him one day when he was alone, eating a burger from McDonalds. She had to wear normal clothes for herself not to scare him.
(d/n) pov:
I was alone like usual. No one to be with but had great business and love going here. I kept eating until I saw this tall woman come to me. She was gorgeous and hot. She sat in front of me and looked nervous. I never heard or seen her around before. She then finally spoke.
???: um... hello what's your name?
(d/n): I'm (d/n) what's yours
Black: just call me Black
It was a weird name. But I heard weirder.
(d/n): (d/n) nice to meet you
Black: yes... me too
We decided to talk. She seemed nervous but slowly calmed a little. I decided to give her my fries. When she took a bite, she gobbled up the rest fast. I guess she never had fries before. After a while it started to rain. She had nothing to cover herself from the rain, so I decided to share an umbrella I had with her.
Black: thank you (d/n)
(d/n): no problem
We walked to my home then we saw a cat chasing a mouse. The cat was going to get a mouse but a truck passed by and the cat froze and got soaked. We both laughed at that. We looked at each other. I felt the urge to do something I always wanted to do. I went in to kiss her on the lips.
Black in mind: Is this kissing? It.. feels... so.. good.
She then start to go in for it.
(d/n): why does her kissing feel so strong but good?
No one pov:
They dated for awhile after that day. She eventually told him her secrets but he didn't care and loved her the way she was. She told him multiple things about gems and technology her had brought with her. They did got married secretly and then made love. (d/n) also changed his last name to black after marriage. Black then became pregnant and knew what would happen after the baby was born. The 2 did everything they could together before... Black was gone. But she passed down her gem to her newborn son. (d/n) loved his son and gave him the name Black wanted, (y/n) Black. (y/n) grew up and did as many things he can and learn. He travels around and visits his dad from time to time. For money, he would preform his organ or piano skills, guard someone, or other jobs. He saw weird events happening like ocean disappears, big earthquakes, and maybe more. He thought of the idea it could be related to gems. Now he wants to find his mom's stuff besides the black gem suit he has and was his mother's and it could take different forms and can grow to the size of his mom. What will he do now to find the truth?