Their is Steven Universe son of Pink Diamond. Everyone thought he is the only half gem/diamond, but in fact he isn't the only one or even the first one. There is another half diamond/gem more powerful and deadly. His name is (y/n) Black son of Black...
(y/n) got to call his dad. (y/n) told him what happened and what's going to happen. (d/n) agreed to come. It took about 2 days, but he got to beach city. Before that, (y/n) got to spend more time with Spinel and the black pearls. (y/n) was beginning to feel certain feeling for Spinel and Spinel was the same but they both don't know it. (d/n) got to beach city and was guided by (y/n). He got him to meet the gems.
(y/n): gems and Greg, meet (d/n) Black or my father
(d/n): pleasure to meet you all
The gems said hi. Greg shook hands with him.
Greg: nice to meet someone who also has a half gem son
(d/n): same here. 2 old widow men.
The pearls talked with (d/n) a lot about black. The pearls can do what they want but they still miss her and want to know more. A few days later, the diamonds came. They got to meet (d/n). It was a little awkward, but they were soon used to it. They had a little party and (y/n) got the courage to confess to Spinel.
(y/n): hey Spinel
Spinel: yes?
(y/n): I want to tell you something
Spinel: yes?
(y/n): I... like you...
Spinel: like a friend or best friend?
(y/n): not in that way... a more... romantic way
Spinel heard about it and saw other gems like it. She soon was all flustered up.
Spinel: really?
(y/n): yes
Spinel: I... was starting to... feel the same way
(y/n) was pretty surprised by it.
(y/n): that's a relief
They went in closer. They had their faces pretty close until they kissed. Others saw it and gasped.
Amythest: (y/n) HAS A GIRLFRIEND!
(y/n): come on, you just ruined the moment
The others just looked at Amythest. However, after that day, Spinel and (y/n) began dating. They had different interests but (y/n) figured out a way for them to align. (y/n) also taught Spinel about more things about earth and other stuff like board or video games. They often like to watch movies or just lay down and look at the stars.
Spinel: they are beautiful
(y/n): just like you
Spinel: oh shucks
(y/n): seriously, the first time I met you, I thought you were pretty beautiful and cute
Spinel blushed and then shook a little.
(y/n): what's wrong?
Spinel: I feel cold
(y/n): I got it
(y/n) got his wings out. He wrapped Spinel in them.
(y/n): better?
Spinel: yes
She wrapped her arms around him. They stayed like that for a while. After a few years of dating, (y/n) proposed to her. She said yes and the wedding was coming. (y/n) invited the gems and diamonds. Steven even came to it. Soon Spinel came down in her wedding dress.
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The 2 got married and they danced greatly in the dance. They even fused together into a beautiful fusion. They had fused a few times before. They called themselves Blood Stone in this fusion.
(d/n): congrats
Blood Stone: thanks
They had a honeymoon on a planet with many beautiful plants. They loved it and were there for 2 weeks. After, (y/n) turned Spinel's old garden into their new home. He put a lot of new things there and plants they loved the most. Spinel loved it. They still visited the gems, (d/n), and the diamonds. (y/n) was now living a happy life with family, friends, and a beautiful wife to love. He could be living his happy ever after.
Spinel: (y/n)
(y/n): yes?
Spinel: I want kids
Or it is just the beginning.
The End?
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