Pearl Time

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No one pov:

(y/n) soon got to know more about his aunts. The diamonds have been holding him close and Blue kept crying. They all then sat down in the room to talk more. (y/n) told the story that his dad told him about how he met and fell in love. (y/n) even got to show some his abilities like his wings or shadow abilities. The diamonds did show somethings like they could do. They used Spinel as example. Yellow made here her arms bigger and legs shorter before going back to normal. Blue made some clouds of joy. Spinel was happy with it. (y/n) tired it too. He fell the effects for a tiny bit then he absorbed it.

Spinel: where did it go?

(y/n) just blows it out at her. She was laughing then everyone did. Soon it was white's turn. (y/n) freaked out just for a bit of it.

(y/n): what the heck?

Spinel showed off white. (y/n) calmed down and was surprised of it. Then white realized something.

White: oh, I just remembered

(y/n): what?

White: your mother's pearls are in the palace

(y/n) was curious now on meeting them. The diamonds told them about how they went to his mother's old home. (y/n) wanted to see the hologram. The diamonds had it and showed it to (y/n). In the end, he cried a bit. (y/n) felt happy he saw what his mom looks like but sad that he never got to meet her. The diamonds comfort him. Spinel gave him a big hug. He hugged back at her.

(y/n): thanks

(y/n) starting walking to a different room to meet the pearls. The diamonds though it would be best for just (y/n) and Spinel to go. It was not to stress out the pearls. (y/n) and Spinel got into the room. The pearls were reading and learning about era 3.

(y/n): hello

They stopped and looked at (y/n). They were confused on why he was wearing black diamond's clothing.

Black Pearl 2: why are you wearing black's suit?

(y/n): I am black diamond's son

He showed his gem to them. They gasped at it. They went closer to him. (y/n) let them touch his gem. They now know it was really her gem.

Black Pearl 1: our diamond

They did the diamond sign on him.

(y/n): you don't have to do that and just call me (y/n). How are you going with learning era 3?

They both now know about it. They examine (y/n)'s body a bit.

(y/n): I was wondering if you can tell me about what my mother was like

Black Pearl 2: oh, of course (y/n)

They sat down together. The pearls told them about what was (y/n)'s mother like. She was serious but also caring and fair. They told more about her and (y/n) felt happy learning about his mother more. Spinel then thought of an idea.

Spinel: (y/n)

(y/n): yes?

Spinel: do you have a... dad?

(y/n): yes, he is still alive

Spinel: why don't you have him get to meet the other gems and maybe us and the diamonds?

(y/n) thought about it hard.

(y/n): that is... actually a good idea. My dad was always curious about other gems and the diamonds.

(y/n) soon got to the diamonds. He told them about the idea. They did like the idea, but they are going to be busy with homeworld stuff for about a week. They will come to beach city after, and Spinel and the pearls can come with him. (y/n) said bye to them. He started to walk back to the warp pad with Spinel and the black pearls. (y/n) soon use the pad and they went off. They were all at the dome of the house. Pearl heard (y/n) coming down.

Pearl: (y/n) your... WHHHAAAT?!

(y/n): I will explain but first I need to make a phone call

Pearls and Spinel: what's a phone call?

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