A Talk and New Journey

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I went to my old home where I grew up at. I never made friends cause of what I am and to stay safe from others. I landed near my dad's company building. I took for a nice walk around there first for old time's sake. I loved visiting my old home and remember all of the good memories. I finally went inside the place I used to work at and dad's life. It was a Saturday and everyone had the day off but dad stays and does some paperwork. I walked up some stairs and went through a hallway with multiple doors and pictures of my bloodline family members who were before me and made this business. My 5th grandfather start this business when he immigrated to this country with his wife and had their child born here, my 4th grandfather. I finally saw my the last door to my dad's office. I walked over and knocked on the door.

(d/n): come in 

I open the door and walked in. I saw my old man, over 60 years old with his cane next to him and working on some paperwork. He looked up and smile at me then got up with his cane.

(d/n): oh welcome back (y/n)

(y/n): hello dad

We both came in for a hug. Felt good getting from my old man. After that was done I had to talk to him.

(y/n): dad the reason I came here is important

(d/n): alright lets take a seat

We both took 2 chairs from across each other. 

(d/n): alright, the floor is yours

I told him about what I wanted to find out about my mom. I also told him strange events been happening that made me think of it. He listened well and then he got up when I finished talking.

(d/n): (y/n) I understand and I think it's time I tell you your answers

He went over to his safe in the room. He took out his special key he had and opened the safe. He took out a paper that turned out to be a map.

(d/n): this is the map of your mother's special things. Mabey they could give you the answers you need. I think you know enough to be ready.

(y/n): thank you dad. This will help me and know mom better. I just want to know more about gems and anything of value.

(d/n): your welcome and good luck

(y/n): thanks and bye dad

(d/n): bye son

I hugged him goodbye and exit the building. I went to back of the building and sprouted my wings. I looked at the map and went off.

Time skip a day:

I got to a mountain in the middle of nowhere. I looked at the map and saw a mark of my gem on it near the top of the mountain. I flew to near the top. It took me a bit and saw a very big cave on the side. I thought it could fit my mom's size and went in. I kept saying as I flying through the cave.

(y/n): the darkness never bothers me anyway

I finally made it to the end of the cave. It looked strange than the rest of the cave. The surface was not stone, smooth, and just plan black. I looked around and saw something out of the ordinary. It was the a symbol of my gem. I looked closer and it was also a little craving of I think my mother.

(y/n): mom?

My gem than began to glow and the gem on the wall. The wall became a door and opened up like a grand gate. I went in and looked around. This place was big as heck, It looked like a place for a literal giant. This is has to be it. I went to a large room with a black giant throne. 

(y/n): I guess this is were you sit mom

I stand on the throne and looked around. I wanted to feel like a king for a bit. I noticed something on the corner of my eye. On top of one of the arm rest. It was diamond shape object.

I touched it and floated in the air

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I touched it and floated in the air. It turned a purple light and separated into a few pieces to form a screen. I could read the gem language since mom told my dad how and he taught me how. I managed to figure out how to use it. It was like a computer. I looked around it for what felt like hours. I found a tab said messages. I clicked the first one. It began to play a video a bit fizzy hearing woman taking and then it showed a... kid? He had a pink jacket and brown hair. He turned and showed his face.

Then it stopped. Who is Steven Universe? Why would a human be there? I had to find out. I looked through other messages this had. It showed a few messages and I got the answer I hoped for. Steven is the son of Pink Diamond! The Diamonds are said to be like my mom's younger sisters, so they are my aunts. That would make Steven my cousin. The other messages told me where he lived and how old he was.

(y/n): I'm not the only one anymore

I looked on the dates and they were close to a year ago. I knew it. There had to be more than just what mom told or than just me. I need to know more.

(y/n): perhaps it is time, I pay a family visit to someone new

I flew off fast with this diamond communicator to Beach City. 

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