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⚠Warning: Smut alert, lol xD the following part has a sex scene and if you're uncomfortable reading mature scenes, feel free to skip the first half. From the part where you reach this sign ❦ ♥︎ ❦ and onwards is clean.

❦ ♥︎ ❦

I wear the baby pink mini dress I know Nathan likes as I wait for him to arrive. We decided to meet at my place. As I pace up and down the living room, the heels of my slippers clunking loudly against the marble floor, my nerves wreak havoc inside of me.

I have zero ideas about how I'll be breaking this news to him. My lawyer pointed out if the contract becomes public knowledge, whoever is responsible has to pay a shit ton of money, and I'm not ready to lose that amount.

Nathan will be furious, to say the least, so I really can't tell him the real reason. He might go around and spread the actual deal and cause trouble for me.

The doorbell rings, halting me in my track and breaking me free from my spiraling thoughts.

I hurry to the door and fling it open.

Nathan has opted for a casual dark blue shirt and jeans instead of his formal wear earlier today, his hair is a little tousled but he looks handsome as ever. His gaze rakes over my body and his electric blue eyes darken with lust, his pupils dilating to the fullest.

"Gracie," he greets, encircling his arms around my waist and pulling me to himself.

I giggle and kiss him, letting my fingers find their way to his hair as we stumble a few steps backward, into my apartment.

"You're going to drive me crazy," he mumbles against my lips and I softly peck him.

Guilt squeezes my chest but I ignore it and shut the door. "I know you like this dress."

He drops his keys on the coffee table and I trail after him. Once he spins and faces me, Nathan flashes me a wide grin.

I lay my palm on his shoulder, keeping my eyes locked with his as he leans down to me.

"I missed you so much," he gruffly admits, pressing his forehead to mine.

"I know," I murmur, brushing my thumb over his cheek.

His lips trap mine in a heated kiss, his arms pulling me to him as he deepens it, his tongue invading my mouth. We kiss, and bite and pull each other's lips, our hands exploring every inch of each other's bodies.

His hand slips under the hem of my dress that barely reaches my mid-thigh and gives my ass a firm squeeze. I suck his bottom lip and grind myself against his growing bulge, making him groan.

With his help, I jump up and wrap my legs around his waist. He carries me to my bedroom, as we kiss each other ravenously.

Nathan lays me on my soft satin bedsheet and climbs over me, trapping me beneath himself. I pull his shirt over his head and throw it to the side, keeping my legs fixed on his hips, pressing him down to myself.

My body grows hot and needy, my core aching for the promise of the coming pleasure.

His lips attack my neck and collarbone, sliding the flimsy straps of my dress off of my shoulders.

Between the hot open-mouthed kisses and occasional gentle sucking along the length of my neck, he pants, "I missed you so much." His mouth molds over mine, kissing me with a desperation he has been reflecting on recently.

I run my palms over his back, feeling the muscles of his shoulders as they flex with each movement of his arms.

Nathan helps me remove my dress, groaning appreciatively once his eyes land on my bare chest. He unbuckles his jeans and strips naked, before latching his mouth over one of my hardened nipples. His tongue expertly laps around it as his fingers toy with the other nub, making me moan. I reach for his cock, already alert and begging for attention.

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